Chapter 18

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A new Born's cry rang around the Hospital room As the nurse comes back into the room, cradling the baby and gently gave him back to his mother after checking the vitals. The Mother happily held the child, her eyes glancing again and again towards the door. Waiting for him. He wasn't even here during the child birth. She hugs her baby closer.

A knock and the creek of the door opening, makes the Mother snap out of her thoughts. She smiles at the person who entered. She feels exhausted and tried but for him, she wills herself to smile. He doesn't even glance at her. Walking towards the bed and yanking the new born out of the mother's grasp.

Cradling the baby, he finally looks at his wife. "Good job." That's all. That's it. What would have she expected? Maybe she wanted him to ask her about her health. Something else a husband would say or do whether it be an arranged marriage. She thought they had something special.

But he never behaved like one. She would give  and do anything to make him look at her with affection. After all  her husband is her world as been since the beginning of the marriage.

"Hm.. I want my child to be someone who even surpasses me..." She snaps out of her thoughts, looking up at his standing form near her bed. His eyes are back on the infant in his arms while she just stares them down for a second.

His words finally setting in. Her eyes widen. Cruel, ruthless, unforgiving and kills without mercy. She doesn't want her son to turn out to be like his father. No! She instinctively extends her hands towards the infant.

"Let me hold him... Please." She starts to talk in a urgent tone but it turns into a whispered plea when his eyes sharply stare back to her red ones.


Napoleon thought this was quite normal. That's how parents are with there children. He was not unique. He was just normal.

As Napoleon came of age where he started to walk and talk. That's when his father forced him start studying to become his successor.

At first he threw tantrums.

"No! Mom I don't wanna! I want to go outside!"

"Shesh! Leon! If your father hears, you will get in big trouble."

"No! No!" He continued to kick and flare his arms. Wanting to be free and go outside.

"What's all this?!"  Napoleon stops mid way from throwing a book at the door, when his father entered the little boy's room.

"Ah..umm..there was no need for your to come. He was just playing around." Napoleon's mother quivers as she tries to defend her son.

"Why isn't he studying?" His low tone, makes Leon's mother back away from him.

"He is! It's just. Um..." She looks down, not knowing how to selvage the situation.

"No! I don't want to study I want to go outside!! Play in the garden!" The cute little boy shouts while glaring, if you could call it that, at his father.

Napoleon is picked up by his collar of the shirt and carried out his room to the backyard.

"This is where you wanted to play?" Mister Dante asks with a neutral expression as Napoleon struggles. His mother trying to plead to let him go.

"Honey please.. he might choke! Let him go." One sharp glare her way and she shuts up.

Whike still carrying the kid by his collar. He flicks his other hand towards the gardener. "Burn this down." Without a second thought the gardener lights up the match and the fire ingulfed the whole garden in front of the kids eyes.

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