57 - Eliana/Reid

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Chapter Fifty-Seven | Eliana

I thought my life was already in the depths of hell, but it turns out I've still got a way to go. How lovely!

"You okay?" Reid questions on the left side of me, as he and Ivan help me hobble out of the building that Rosie told me is minutes away from blowing up.

"Are you sure I'm not gonna lose my leg?" I pant, feeling my skin start to burn up. "I think it might already be infected." I hiss when I step too hard on the culprit that is causing me horrific pain.

"You won't lose your leg, Eliana, but yes, it might be infected," Ivan informs me.

I also can't exactly tell whether it is the pain dragging me down, or the news I just secretly found out about Reid.

"I want us to have an engagement party when we get back home." Reid decides to mention like this couldn't be the worst time to do so.

"Reid," I speak his name in concern. "Did you bash your head at some point?"

His brows turn downward, and he tilts his head like a cute, annoying puppy.

"What? No." He answers, keeping his gaze focused on the ground, searching for any obstructions.

"Look at where we are, look at what is going on around us. You've just suggested we have an engagement party when we get back home after we found out that my own mother is the reason for the way we turned out. What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I can't help but be angry with him.

Why is he pretending like none of this is happening?!

"You heard Baker. Your mother has most likely gone under the radar, and it will be difficult to track her down. We need to live our lives like ordinary people, even if it is only for a short while." He shrugs and my face turns in frustration. "Call me fucking delusional but I would take you to a registry office tomorrow and marry you if I knew you weren't so hostile about the situation." He grumbles and my eyes bulge.

"What are you saying? That I don't want to marry you?"

"That's what it feels like."


"No, Reid. I'm being realistic here. Life will not return to normal the moment we get home. We don't have the time for fucking engagement parties, but it doesn't mean I don't want to marry you!"


"I'm tired of hunting people down, Eliana. I want to live a normal and happy life with you!"

"And we can do that when my mother is dead!"


"What?!" Reid and I yell at Ivan in unison.

"Shut the fuck up!" Is all Ivan has to say. "When can you just learn to stop arguing? It's twenty-four fucking seven and you're giving me a headache! Just shut the fuck up or break the fuck up!" My mouth drops and Reid's body tenses.

"Sorry," Reid whispers.

"Just have the fucking engagement party and enjoy life. We've wasted enough of it." Ivan sighs looking drowsy all of a sudden. "Just enjoy life." His arm loosens around me and suddenly he becomes a dead weight, dropping to the ground.

"Ivan!" I panic, painfully dropping to my knees and try to wake him up from his unconscious state. My panicked eyes lift to Reid who stares down at Ivan in shock. "Ivan!" I pat his cheek a couple of times before pressing my shaking fingers against his neck to check for a pulse.

It's slow.

Too slow.

Reid eventually comes out of his shocked state and crouches down opposite me, checking Ivan over for any injuries. He lifts his black t-shirt, and my eyes widen at the bullet wound on his lower stomach. Reid swallows hard and lowers the t-shirt.

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