Chapter 35

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Tiktok: Cap.Dvsk
Instagram: Cap.dvsk



" Jey... I'm aboutta go right back to bed if you don't shut the fuck up " y/n says

" What! We JUST woke up, y/n! Okay fine. I'll wait till tonight but atleast stop being mean " Jey says

" Okay... I'm sorry, Babe " y/n says while you intertwine your fingers with his

You lean in and kiss his lips

" Mm... You taste sooo good " y/n whispers against his lips TO TEASE HIM

" Y/n... I swear.... Stop it! Your aboutta get punished, Babygirl " Jey says

You shake your head

You fix your hair to turn him on even more

you start looking in the closet and completely ignore that he's there


Jey slaps your ass as HARD as he can

It hurt you SO bad, You almost wanna cry

( And... that would make you cry realistically, she's not overreacting. If you've ever been slapped by someone that's strong or works out, You know )

It even makes your whole ass BRIGHT RED

" Jey! What the fuck! Why would you do that!? " y/n says

" Well yo ass is THICK " Jey says

" Okay, Fine. You want me THAT bad!? That you slap me?! Fine. You can have me " y/n says

" Well I- Baby, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry " Jey says

Now.. He feels REALLY bad

You start untieing your bikini

" Wait... No.. Y/n, I feel like I forced you, it's okay. we don't have to " Jey adds

You finish untieing your bikini and it falls right off


So.. your completely n*ked in front of Jey

" It's fine, Jey.. " y/n says under your breath

Jey slowly looks down at your chest

He then picks you up and THROWS you on the bed

You squel then cover up your body

He grabs your ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed


" Jey, You just came outta the pool, Go dry off, Stupid " y/n says

Jey rolls his eyes and groans Then he leaves the room to go dry off


He comes back

and... he's n*ked

He walks back over to you

" Alright... Your SURE your okay with this, Baby? " Jey says

You take a deep breathe and nod

" Words, y/n " Jey says

" Well... We're married, Isn't that giving you consent to anything? " y/n says

" No!? Are you okay with this or
not!? " Jey says

" Yes.. "

He spreads your legs and starts rubbing your thighs with his thumbs

" I love you, y/n " Jey whispers

Enemies to lovers - Jey Uso imagine Where stories live. Discover now