Chapter 37

90 6 37

Tiktok: Cap.Dvsk
Instagram: Cap.dvsk

I know, I just posted, sorry guys


All of you guys go sit on the couch and put on " Minions "

10 minutes later

Jey leans in and starts placing small, soft kisses on your neck

Then.. He starts sucking on your neck, trying to leave hickeys

You forgot the kids were even there... so..

You let out a breathy moan

Then you realize

" Jey! Stop! The kids! " y/n says

" But I love you " Jey whispers in your ear

Which sends shivers down your spine

" I know, Baby, I love you too but that doesn't mean we gotta have sex all the time!? " y/n says

" Yes it does... Can we just go upstairs?! " Jey says

" No! One, The kids are here so we'll get interrupted anyway and Second, I'm not gonna leave the kids alone, especially Mia " y/n says

" Always the damn kids, We shouldn't have had kids! " Jey says

" That's why you needa wear a condom, Jey " y/n says under your breath

" Even though.. That's how I got pregnant with Montez.. " y/n whispers to yourself

" What?.. " Jey says

" No.. Nevermind, Forget it " y/n says

" Is Montez mine or somethin? " Jey says

You laugh

" I had him before I met you, Stupid "
y/n says as you slap the back of Jey's head

" Anyways!! Food is done, Guys! " y/n says

You RUN to the oven and take the food out

Montez follows behind you

Jey comes up from behind you and slaps your ass... AGAIN

You sigh

" Alright... I'm done. You give the kids their food " y/n says

You walk back over to the couch and ignore everyone

5 minutes later

You get hungry yourself so you get up and go get some chicken nuggets and some fries

You look behind you and see Jey feeding Mia the food

" JEY! WHAT THE- She can't eat that yet!? " y/n says

" What!? "

" She's gonna choke! She doesn't have teeth " y/n says

" Well... I've been feeding it to her for the past 10 minutes and she's fine soo we should be good, Babe " Jey says

" Jey! " y/n says

" What! She likes it, Babe " Jey says

Mia starts giggling

" I hate you " y/n says

Then... Somebody knocks on the door

You go open the door

" Rhea? "

" Hey, y/n!! " Rhea says

" Wait... why'd you just show up... unexpectedly? " y/n says

Enemies to lovers - Jey Uso imagine Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu