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One thing about sand that's she absolutely hated was its affinity for getting in every crevice. You would find it in places you wouldn't even think was possible.

It got everywhere and was extremely uncomfortable on the skin. Not to mention trying to sleep at night while laid on those tiny grains of sand.

It was one of the worst feelings Bracha had ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

So here she was attempting to brush off every spec of sand on her stillsuit, her light mesh wraps hanging off the side of her tent - baking given up on getting them sand free.

A faint buzz began to sound out into the night sky and she looked up curiously. That sound wasn't natural in the desert. Ut reminded her of the ornithopters but they wouldn't be out at this time. Visibility was low so no spice would be harvested due to the increased danger of not seeing a worm heading their way.

Bracha's eyes flickered around the night sky, nothing seemed to be out of order but that noise. She wasn't comforted by this remotely.

There could be ships up there making that sound. Shields on and cloaked go blend in with its surroundings.

She was familiar with the Harkonnen's doing this themselves. It was used mainly to attack any unsuspecting Fremen they had spotted and sometimes to hide their suspicious activities.

It was all too similar to their gates for ther to feel any comfort at all.

Bracha grabbed her coverings and rewrapped them over herself. With a click of a button her tent shrivelled up into a parcel like object.

Snatching it from the ground, she climbed out of the ditch.

Throughout this her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest and her thoughts became scattered. She needed to go back. She needed to find any Fremen and warn them of what was taking place and the danger it presented.

Just as she reached the top, the ground shook and her feet began slipping down the dune before she caught herself.

A loud rumble broke out and Bracha swivelled around to see hundreds of ships far in the distance and the city where the Atreides resided in up in flames.

She looked closer at the ships and noticed they were the Harkonnen's.

A scoff left her throat as she thought of the current situation taking place far away.

Of course they weren't just going to leave Arakkis. They had gotten rich off of the lands an it made them oh so very powerful. No way they would let someone take what they believed was rightfully theirs.

How stupid they all were to think they had escaped the Harkonnen's tyranny.

Inside the city was absolutely chaos. The Atredies had been woken abruptly to find half of them already slaughtered.

Paul ran frantically down the corridors, his head swivelling from side to side each second in hopes of finding his Father.

He had no idea on what was taking place in that moment. Of course he had gathered they were being attacked but he didn't know how, why or by who.

His Father had always ruled with love, placing peace as his top priority. They had never made any enemies with the houses, let alone anyone. They did what was asked of them to the highest standard. They couldn't be faulted.

The ground shook as another bomb hit the city causing Paul to slip and fall into a wall.

His shoulder slammed into it harshly, leaving a nasty bruise in its wake. When pushing himself off of he wall his feet slipped once more only for him to realise his feet were slick and wet.

He hadn't been sweating that much had he?

He gazed down and became shocked.

No, it was blood.

Startled, he jumped back coincidently sending him into a dead maid who's blood now coated his feet.

Feeling slightly queasy at the sight he decided to continue down the corridor, feeling even more worried now he's seen people dead.

It meant they had gotten in. It meant they could have gotten his Father.

Hurrying down the hall leaving bloody footprints in his wake he reached the stairs and made his way down.

Suddenly everything was strangely quiet. Not even a breath could be heard in the corridor.

Slowly looking behind him, Paul only found the empty stairs behind him. Feeling slightly better that no one was behind him, he turned around intending to continue his search.

Only two soldiers stood infornt of him. The left gripping his arm and flinging him into a wall next to them.

The other raised their baton and swung it at Paul's head but had missed due to him ducking just in time.

Paul slammed his foot outwards, seeing the Harkonnen stumbling backwards. The other now grabbed onto his arms and forced Paul to stand.

He thrashed around in the hold as the other solider made their way over once more. Raising the baton and this time making contact with his head, knocking him out cold.

 Raising the baton and this time making contact with his head, knocking him out cold

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