29- "I'd be worse than dead without you, Hazel."

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"Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;" ~ William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116.


Dragonite was alive with vibrant colours as autumn began. The landscape was blanketed in lush greenery, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

But inside Hazel, it was a different story. She was hurting and in pain. Since the evening Ethan had cut ties with her and forbade her from returning to Kaatim, Hazel couldn't sleep or eat properly.

She replayed his words in her mind, hoping she had misunderstood and trying to decipher if he had meant something else. But the truth was clear.

She had asked him to come with her, and he had refused.

"This was a mistake from the word go."

He had referred to whatever was between them as a mistake. Hazel found herself struggling to breathe whenever she thought back on his words.

"We were never meant to be, Hazel."

Maybe what he said was true. Maybe they were never meant to be together. But Hazel couldn't ignore the feeling in her heart. It kept pulling her towards him. As strange as it seemed, her heart tugged her towards Ethan. It clenched painfully with each beat when she remembered Ethan pushing her away from himself.

"Just portal back home and do not return to Kaatim again."

She had kept her promise. Three months had passed, and she hadn't gone back.

September was ending, and the world around her was changing, but she remained stuck-right where Ethan had left her.

"I'm not good for you, Hazel."

A single tear slipped from her eye before she quickly wiped it away. Since the night they ended contact, Hazel has refused to allow herself to cry over him.

She was determined not to break. If he wasn't right for her, then she believed no one else would be good enough. Ever!

She gazed out the bedroom window towards the castle gardens. The guards stood stiff as boards at different entrance points. She felt incredibly lonely and disconnected from her surroundings.

She thought about her argument with Boro after returning home that evening. He had been in his room, still angry about his encounter with Ethan.

Hazel had stormed inside without knocking on the door. It banged against the wall and trembled as she entered. Boro stared at her, startled.

"Who the... Oh, it's you." He tensed when he saw her eyes, red and swollen from crying.

"Hazel, what happened? Did he hurt you?"

Hazel ground her teeth, trying to hold back the words that were desperate to come out, but she couldn't keep them in any longer.

"What the fuck was that? How dare you talk to him that way? Who the fuck do you think you are?" She yelled, her voice taking on a screeching quality.

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