Chapter 15: Decisions

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Over the span of a month, the School for Good and Evil had undergone multiple drastic changes. Some professors had been replaced, whereas the remainder had managed to pass their evaluations and been re-assigned to teaching new subjects. The students' uniforms were no longer pink pinafores and princely suits and black sacks, but more equally prestigious attire with swan crests that reflected their fingerglow colors. The Evil school had been cleaned and polished, and the menu included better meals, the first change that had made Sophie's ego soar until the following transformations, which had left her, along with the other students, completely bewildered.

Except Hester, Anadil, and Dot remembered when Alma had discussed fingerglow colors and zodiac signs, and they'd told Sophie.

"I can't believe it!" Sophie said, pacing up and down Alma's dorm. Alma made a hushing sound, but Sophie ignored her. "The School Master listened to you! What does he think he'll achieve with a school without Good and Evil—without me? I'm Class Captain! I'm supposed to be training in the Woods with famous villains! Instead, I'm attending art and beauty classes, as if I could be more beautiful! The nerve, the audacity!"

"Sophie, quiet!" Alma hissed, and her girlfriend stopped. "Listen, whatever's going on, maybe this is a good thing. You're amazing at fashion and skincare and all of that, those are your talents! If you ask me, the School Master is coming to his senses. Maybe he finally realized that we've all been prisoners to Good and Evil for too long."

Sophie put her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Now, wait just a second, darling," she said. "I recall when we were in Aric's room and how thrilled you seemed about the 'demise' of the system. That's a tad too coincidental, don't you think?"

Alma hesitated, overcome with shame. How could she have forgotten?

"Oh, that's right!" Sophie said. "The Storian is writing your tale. That's what you told us in room sixty-six, wasn't it?"

Alma said nothing. Sophie stepped up to her.

"Alma, sweetie," she said, voice gentle yet thick with menace. "Tell me: what is going on?"

Alma swallowed, but she refused to be intimidated by even the Witch of Woods Beyond.

"I told you," she said, unblinking, "the School Master is coming to his senses. I can only assume he's following my storybook and co-opting my ideas."

Sophie searched her eyes, then stepped back.

"You need to fix this," she demanded. "I will not stand to be treated like someone whose only purpose is to be a doll!"

"What do you want me to do?" Alma said. "School Master calls the shots."

"Then you and I will be paying him a lovely visit right now."

"Now?" Alma said.

Sophie lit her fingerglow and the balcony doors flew open, and before Alma could stop her, she mogrified into a pink dove and soared away.

Alma mogrified into a blackbird and hurried after her.

"Sophie!" Alma shouted as loudly as she could in her bird form. "Wait!"

As they glided toward the School Master's tower, the window flashed pink and opened, allowing them to fly into the darkness. Sophie landed on the floor and transformed back to human, followed by Alma, who scolded her the moment she'd reverted.

"Are you insane!" Alma whispered, grabbing Sophie's arm. "We have to go back now."

Sophie yanked herself out of Alma's grip. "Not until I speak to the School Master!"

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