A Key to Mega Evolution

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Pyrafox: "Mega Evolution... it is a Phenomenon from the Kalos Region. It boosts the power of a Pokemon, making themselves stronger than they were before."

"Kalos Region? And cool! I wanna Mega Evolve my pokemon!" Pyrafox smiles.

Pyrafox: "Welll... It seems that only specific species of pokemon can Mega Evolve. It also takes some special stones to get access to get them to Mega Evolve as well."

"Huh? Wait, so you're saying some pokemon can not Mega Evolve?"

Pyrafox: "Yeah... And even if you do get the two stones required to Mega Evolve them, you need to have a very strong bond with your pokemon to do so. If not, your pokemon may start to rampage and destroy the terrain around the area."

"A strong bond huh? ...Well then, I guess I meet one of the requirements to Mega Evolve a pokemon right Vee?" Vee nods. "Hmm... though what about the stones? What kind of stones are needed to Mega Evolve a pokemon?"

Pyrafox: "These stones are a crucial part of the Mega Evolution. There are two, like I said earlier. The Key Stone and a Mega Stone. They are connectes to eachother, reacting when the Key Stone is pressed. This then activates the Mega Stone on the Pokemon and causes it to Mega Evolve."

"So I need those two stones then, ok. So how do I get them?"

Pyrafox: "... Not to avoid your question but I forgot one major detail." "Which is...?" Pyrafox crosses his arms and closes his eyes.

Pyrafox: "For the pokemon who can Mega Evolve, they need a specific Mega Stone that only reacts to the Keys Stone if they are holding that very specific one."

"What? So you are saying if I was to Mega Evolve Eevee, I would need the specific Mega Stone for Eevee?!"

Pyrafox nods. Pyrafox: "Yes. But Eevee does not Mega Evolve sadly." "Awww... what? That sucks-"

Pyrafox: "But Blastoise can."

I perk up, and I jump onto my feet. "Lets go-ooaagh-OH!!"

I then collapses with a weakend leg. I get up weakly. "Ouch..." Pyrafox: "You ok?" Pyrafox then helps me up. Luis steps forward. Luis: "So this Mega Evolution you are talking about also reacts to Charizard?"

Pyrafox: "Yes. So like I was saying- Mega Stones only react and work on some pokemon. So for example, Charizard's Mega Stone is called: Charizardite."

Luis: "Alright then. I guess I'll need a Charizardite then." Pyrafox shakes his head. Pyrafox: "But... for Charizard and ONLY Charizard, they have two seperate Mega Forms."

Me & Luis: "TWO?!!"

Pyrafox: "Yes. Charizardite-X and Charizardite-Y. Ethan. The one you saw was the X form of Mega Charizard." "Woah... that's cool!"

Pyrafox: "What is even cooler is that some Mega Evolutions change the typing of a pokemon. For instance, Charizard. When I mega Evolved mine with the Charizardite-X it went from a Fire and Flying type, to a Fire and Dragon Type."

Luis: "That's so cool! Now I can finally get a Dragon Type pokemon!" Pyrafox: "If you get the X version of the Charizard Mega Stone."

"Wait- So how did you get yours!? Maybe me and Luis can also Mega Evolve our pokemon soon as well!" Pyrafox pauses and shakes his head.

Pyrafox: "To be honest... I don't think it will be possible for either one of you to obtain Mega Evolution anytime soon, sadly. I got my Key Stone and Mega Stones from when I was in Kalos. I don't believe Kanto has any Mega Stones."

Me and Luis groan. "So you're saying we will have to go to Kalos just to Mega Evolve a Pokemon?!" Pyrafox: "Yeah possibly... but for when you see them, they look kinda like Marbles."


Vee then hops onto my shoulder and her Bow gets unclipped, falling onto the ground.

Pyrafox then picks it up. Pyrafox: "This...Bow... where did you get it?" I look at Pyrafox confused. "From my sister, why?" Pyrafox: "Ethan... this holds a Key Stone."

Me and Vee look at Pyrafox puzzled until it hits us. "A KEY STONE?!!" Luis: "Huh? N-no way" Pyrafox hands it to me and Luis checks at the Key Stone in the middle of the Bow.

"B-but... then, that means when we went to Kalos for that one week... my baby sister found a Key Stone! Wait-- She found other Marbles in the ground, and in some cracks of rocks!"

Pyrafox: "Is that so... there then may be a huge chance your Baby sister has a Mega Stone or two." "Lets fucking gooo!!!"

I turn to Luis and we give eachother a High-Five. "Now I just need a Mega Stone!" Pyrafox: "Maybe your sister found more. I can help you in this case."

"Yeah! Let's go!" I stand up again...


Just to fall down again.

Luis: "You might wanna be a bit more careful Ethan..." Everyone then stops as Rylee walks in with some Pizza. Rylee: "Oh... hey everyone."

Pyrafox: "Hey Rylee." Luis: "Is that the food?" Rylee nods and holds it out in her hands for Luis to pick it up. "Thanks."

Doctor: "What is the meaning of all of this?!" We all then turn to the door and the Doctor walks in. Doctor: "Put Ethan down!" Pyrafox and Luis set me back in the bed and Vee hops infront of me.

Vee gives a cry and gets into a defensive stance. Pyrafox: "Uhh, Vee?" Rylee: "Oh! Sorry sir. He said he was hungry so I picked something up really quick." Luis nods and hands me a slice.

I take a Bite and nod.

"Sorry..." Luis: "Don't be sorry Ethan. You did nothing wrong. And also Doctor, Ethan already said he wanted to leave so, why not let him go?"

Doctor: "Are you gonna be the ones to take care of him?" We all glance at eachother. Rylee: "Actually... yeah." The Doctor scoffs. "We will be fine. Thanks though. But I need and want to leave."

I stand up on one foot and Luis helps me up with one hand while using his other hand to hold the Pizza Box.

Doctor: "But it's too dangerous for you!"

"And? I have survived probably worse. I'll be fine. It also doesn't matter anyways- It's not like you can stop us anyways."

We all nod at the doctor, all giving him a stare. He takes a step back. Doctor: "Alright then... lemme get the paper works then."

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