Home Sweet Home...?

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So after signing some paper works my friends help me outside.

Luis: "So I am guessing we are heading back home?" "Yeah... though it'll be a while." Luis then chuckles and holds a pokeball in his hand. Luis: "Not for long! Charizard go!"

He throws a pokeball forward and Charizard comes out, spewing fire from its nose. Luis: "Charizard. Wanna give Ethan a lift? He hurt himself." Charizard looks at me and nods.

"Oh, uh- You didn't have to do that for me..." Luis puts a grip on and Charizard moves towards me, turning around so I can climb on.

I climb on and Luis let's Pidgeot out. Luis: "We can still fly." Pyrafox nods. Pyrafox: "Charizard! Come on out!" Pyrafox's Charizard then comes out and stands next to Luis's with me on it. It turns out Pyrafox's Charizard is slightly taller.

Pyrafox: "Rylee. Wanna climb on? We should give Ethan some space." Rylee hesitates but then climbs on. Rylee: "Wait. So where are we going?"

Luis: "Pallet Town. We are gonna go back to Ethan's house and talk to Ethan's little sister." Pyrafox: "Mhm. She holds a item that boosts a Pokemon's battling ability." I nod at Rylee.


It doesn't take but a few minutes until we arrive at my house.

Knock, Knock, Knock!

The door opens and my mother stands at the door. Mom: "Oh! Hey guys! Son. Welcome back." Everyone waves and says hello. "I hope you don't mind them coming in." The group glance at my mother and she nods slightly, allowing them in.

"Averie!" I run into her room, sorta, and she jumps when I shout. She then turns around from building Legos and stands up. Averie: "Ethan?"

"Heeey- Uh- Do you know where that one box with all your Marbles are at?" Averie: "Oh! Yeah!" She then goes to her desk and grabs it. Averie: "Why?" She then sees my leg. Averie: "What happened to your leg?"

I chuckle. "It's a long story... sorta." Olivia: "Oh, hey Etha- What happened to your leg?!" Olivia comes from behind me and I turn around to see her shocked, staring at my cast.

My mom then runs into the hall. Mom: "What. Did. You do. To your Leg!?" She then walks my way and I lean against the wall, my hands put infront of her way. "I'm fine- Really. I just... sorta broke my leg--"

Mom: "--Why didn't you call me?! I could've helped!" "N-no. Really you couldn't have!" I then get dragged to the couch and she sets me down to examine my Cast.

Mom: "How did this happen?" "It was an accident in Viridian City." Pyrafox then steps forward. Pyrafox: "I don't mean to interrupt but, Ethan helped me and--"

My mother interrupts.

Mom: "--and WHO are YOU??" Pyrafox sighs. Pyrafox: "The name's Pyrafox. I am friends with your son." Mom gives a soft glare and turns back to me.

Mom: "... Son. What happened?" "Mom, like i said- It was an accident! My leg got caught under some rubble."

Mom: "And when did this happen?!" I studder. "A good hour or so ago? Idk! But mother I didn't come to get scolded! I have other things I have to do!"

As I stand up, my mother pushes me back down onto the couch. Mom: "No. No more adventures until your leg is fully healed!" I clinch me fist and I sit down in frustration.


She can't stop me...

I then stand up. "Yeah? How you gonna stop me?" Vee jumps on my shoulder, giving a challenging look at my mother. Mom: "H-huh?! Ethan! This is for your sake!" "Well, I don't care! Mom! I'm fine and I always will be!"

I walk past her, before falling down and crawling quickly across the floor and towards Averie, the Marble box still in her hands.

"Averie. I need to see the stones inside. A friend says that it is possible you have some that can make a pokemon stronger." Averie hands me the box and I open it.

Just like I thought. Some stones looked the same, being a sphere with a weird S on it. Pyrafox then opens his phone and dials a number.

Pyrafox: "Imma get the Proffesor to help see if any of those are Mega Stones." Mom: "What is this all about?!" I turn to my mother. "You wouldn't understand mom."

I turn back to the Box and Pyrafox squats down beside me, his Phone camera pointing at the Marbles.

???: "Ah. Yes. I cab tell by just the look of them, some of those are Mega Stones. Please let me see them up closer to examine which type they are."

"Who is that?" Pyrafox: "Proffesor Sycamore of the Kalos Region. He studies Mega Evolution."

Proffesor Sycamore: "Hello." Pyrafox then picks up some stones and scatters them on the ground. He then spreads them out so each individual one can be seen without different ones getting in the way.

After a good minute or two Prof. Sycamore tells Pyrafox the Mega Stones. When they are done, Pyrafox hangs up to tell us the results.

Pyrafox: "He says that there are 6 Mega Stone in total. The Beedrillite, Blastoisite, Galladite, Gyaradosite, Scizorite, and the Venasaurite."

Rylee: "Oh! One for Venasaur!" "Yeah! Blastoise!" Luis then appears above us. Luis: "Gyaradosite! So cool!"

Pyrafox: "And there seems to be another Key Stone." Me & Luis: "Another?!" Averie and Olivia look at us confused as we look down at the stones.

"Averie. Can we have these?!" Averie pauses. Averie: "Why?" "Because... I can help catch you a pokemon! You that's why." Averie then jumps up. Averie: "Ok!" Both me and Luis cheer excitedly.

Rylee: "Wait- You guys are gonna just give Averie a Rip-off deal? What has gotten into you?!" Me and Luis give a cold stare at Rylee.

Luis: "Hey... we wanna get stronger." "Hey, it's a win for both me and Averie." Averie nods. Averie: "Imma get a Pokemon!" Me and Luis nod and Olivia scoffs.

I turn to my mother and she stares at me with anger, still upset about my broken leg.

"Come on Averie... let's go get you a Pokemon."

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