Chapter 55: Befriending Barry

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After reaching to Hearthome city once again to have a re-match with Fantina, Ash is a bit too excited and runs as fast he could, leaving the others behind.
But before he can open the door, an overhyped blonde boy also opens the door at the same time and rushes into Ash, resulting both the boys to fall.

You can barely figure out who the guy is or what he is saying to Ash, but he seems to be in a hurry and leaves the place before you can even reach the gym.
"Hey Ash, are you okay?" You ask, kneeling down beside him on the ground
"Yeah, I'm fine" he laughs nervously
"What's the big rush? We know you're prepared for the battle but why making us rush with you?" Brock, Dawn and Arlo asks, slightly mad at him.
"Aha, sorry guys" Ash apologizes and notice a orange badge case on the ground.

"Alors! It's Ash and Y/N!"
"Wow Fantina!"
(I really don't get what Fantina says most of the time in French so I'll skip some of her lines out) "Ash, Y/N, I've waited for you both's return!" She twirls around and holds both yours and Ash's hands. "Of course, all good things come to those who wait."
"That's great Fantina, thanks" "Pika"
"So Fantina, can we please have our Re-match now?" You ask with excitement

"I'm sorry, but today is no good for me" She says apologetically, surprising you and Ash "huh, what is that? It belongs to my previous challenger" She says, spotting the badge case in Ash's hand
"Previous challanger?" Ash repeats, seeing the badge case.
"Oui! Twinleaf Town is where he comes from and I'll say this; he's a challanger full of life!'"
"Twinleaf Town?" Dawn asks
"Oui! But make no mistake, he was no match for me~" She winks

Knowing that Fantina won't be able to battle, everyone walks to the nearby park
"Man, after all this time....thats square one" Ash frowns
"I thought I would finally win this time..." You frown as well
"Don't worry Y/N and Ash-" Arlo tried to comfort but that same blonde boy runs into Ash once again making him fall
"Ash!" "No!" "Are you okay?"
"Another dope not looking where he's going." The guy rubs his head "huh? Not you again- huh? My badge case!" The guy notices his orange case on the ground and picks it up "I see, you're a klutz and a thief!" He points at Ash
"No no! You got it all wrong!" Arlo protests "pika!" Pikachu also growls

"Hey i know you! You were in the tag battle contest, right? You battled against Paul!" The guy points at Arlo
"H-huh? Oh yeah I di-"
"I watched it on the tube, oh man you couldn't even do any damage to his pokémon!" He smirks making Arlo get mad
"What did you say?!"
"Now I remember! You're Barry, aren't you? You must be" Dawn says confusing Barry
"So who's Barry?" Ash asks
"Im from Twinleaf town too! I know, you're the guy who did that duet with the explode in the Town's festival, right?"
"Thats me, but i don't have a clue who you are" He says before smirking, "Wait, I remember now, you've gotta be the hopelessly geeky trainer who lost to Paul and the cute girl with him in the tag battle contest"

You choked on air after hearing him call you cute, without even knowing you were standing there. Ash fumed and looked back and forth between your flustered face and Barry's overconfident one.
"Geeky, huh?" Dawn fumed. She could careless about Barry calling you cute because he just insulted her.
"I never thought I'd meet you two in one place"
"For your information I was there too!" Ash yelled
"Don't forget me too" Brock informs, his brows twitching

You wanted to reveal that you were there too, but still decide to stay quiet until Arlo points you out.
"You forgot about Y/N!" He says making you facepalm
"Huh?" Dawn looks at you and Barry "You got non-contest fans too, Y/N"
"Man, you battled alongside Paul really well, but of course, he lead you throughout the battle too! You guys were a nice pair!"

At start you think that he's going to compliment you, but when he said Paul lead the battle, you were damn pissed.

"Who lead that battle you say?" You ask 'nicely', taking a step towards him
"Y/N no-" "Calm down-" Dawn and Brock tried to pull you back but you were already in front of Barry, looking at him dead in the eye
"FOR YOUR INFORMATION PAUL AND I FOLLOWED "MY" PLAN TO "WIN" THE BATTLE, SO "I" WAS THE "ONE" WHO "LEAD" "US" TO VICTORY!" You shout as if he wasn't there right in front of you.
"I COULD CARE LESS-" Before you can yell more, Dawn pulls you away
"Y/N calm down"
"Anyyyywayssss, you four couldn't even keep up with Paul"

"Ash is my name!" Ash fumes
"Ash? Ash? Ash? Let's have a battle, right now!"
"A battle?"
"C'mon, let's see your pokémons! You got ten seconds!" Barry said, counting from ten while checking his watch.

After a lot of trash talking, Barry said that he left his pokémons in a storage center, so everyone follows him to the town to a weirdly suspicious shop which of course turns out to be Team Rocket's but together with Fantina, Team Rocket blasts away so Fantina decides to give the stolen pokémons back to their respective trainers, leaving the gang alone.

"So, you're going to have a Gym Battle with Fantina, right?" Barry asks as he and the group walk down the road.
"Yup. You're gonna have a rematch with her too, aren't ya?" Ash asks back.
"You bet, Ash. If Empoleon's no good, I'll get a stronger Pokémon, and if it's no good I'll just get an even stronger one! Then I'll be able to beat any Gym Leader, y'know?"
"I wonder...just because you got a bunch of strong Pokémon doesn't mean you're always going to win." Ash says, confusing Barry "I think it's just as important to train together with your Pokémon so you can learn what makes 'em tick. Y'know, to bond with them."

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'bonding with them'." Barry says
"No matter how weak a Pokémon is now, if you work hard together, then you'll grow strong together, and win together." Ash says, pikachu agreeing with him.
"I wanna win now! The truth is, my goal is to become as strong as I can, and as quickly as I can-as strong as Paul!" Barry beams.
"As Paul?!" You ask in surprise
"That jerk." Ash growls as he thinks about his last match with him.

"Paul is the coolest trainer there is! You must think so too, right?" Barry asks, waving his hand in front of Ash's spaced out face. "Woah, why are you so spaced out like that?"
"Uhm you see, both me and Ash had battled with Paul before" You say
"You battled with Paul?! What happened?! Did you win or did you lose?!" Barry sigh before smirking, "Course you lost. I should've known. I mean, after all, you were up against a giant."

"What was that?!" Ash fumes.
"Oh, please! Forget about it, man! It's time to battle! So come on, let's rock!" Barry exclaims.
"Kay, you got a deal!" Ash agrees.

Ash and Barry then proceed to fight where Ash turned out to be the victor.

"Wow! I thought you'd win this!" Dawn exclaims.
"You two were awesome!" You and Arlo grin
"You and pikachu really demonstrated just how important bonding with your Pokémon is." Brock says. "Thanks a lot, all of you" "Pika pika."

"Give me a break. What're you so happy about? You just got lucky, that's all. But I guess I'll cut you a break this one time." Barry said with a smile playing on his face.
"You'll what?!" Ash fumed.
"Now don't you forget. I'm much stronger than you'll ever be!" Barry said.
"Okay, why don't you come to the Gym tomorrow? You can watch me beat Fantina, the Leader you lost to!" Ash offered.
"I'll come and watch your match tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have time to watch you go down."

"You two are forgetting that I'm also going to battle Fantina tomorrow!" You pout
"Oh yeah, of course you will!" "Chu!"
"Hey, i have a plan, why don't I have a battle with you as well after the gym battle?" Barry suggests "After all I wanna battle with the girl who was Paul's partner, and you're way to adorable to be this much strong!"
Ash scoffs at this but you pay him no attention
"You really are a huge fan of his, aren't ya?" You try to ignore him calling you adorable so casually, but still blush a bit 'wait a minute, was the last part a bit of an insult too?'
"Of course I am! I'm telling ya, the day me and him will battle, it'll be the GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" He beams "and yeah of course I'm gonna beat him" he says the last line casually and faster than before
"Of course" you roll your eyes with Dawn.

Ash stares at Barry with a tensed face, 'how come he so casually tells her that she's adorable- i mean she definitely is! But wasn't he flustered even a bit? Or maybe it was just a pure compliment? Man am I thinking a bit too much?' Ash thinks, not realising that everyone was watching him getting tensed up 'maybe I'm just getting way too jealous and...i don't know..."

Words: 1676
Published: 16/5/24
Updated: --/--/--

Multiple Pokémon Boys X ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora