Chapter 56: Pokéringer

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[Spoiler cuz I'm the writer: Chapter 66-67, which is like 10-11 chapters away, will be a bit emotional, atleast I want it to be a bit too emotional. It won't be just a sad one, instead I'll try to show every character's pov and feelings- I think I spoke too much-
Hint1: It's not about leaving Sinnoh
Hint2: A major character who will be there is featured in this chapter (bahahaha made the hints so easy bleh]


While travelling to get to the next destination, the gang reaches to a cliff where a town can be seen at the bottom.
Brock addressed the town as Squallville Town where people should be careful of sudden wind gusts.

Suddenly, a yanmega and a wingull flew up with some rings which makes everyone except Dawn realise that it's Pokéringer so Ash and You decide to participate with Staravias.

Ash's battle is up first against a trainer named Taylor which Dawn, Brock and Arlo watch with the crowd and you sit in the participants' room, watching his match through the TV in the room.

You decide to look for the round match ups and soon enough, you spot it on the wall.

"Let's see where we are at, Staravia and Spearow." You start to read the list "Ash vs Taylor...Promo vs Paul...Paul?!" You and the two birds gasp "Wait if Paul's in this match, then where is he?" You look around but he wasn't there in the room "maybe he's outside" You check the list once more to find out you're battling in the third round, after Paul. "Guys, let's go outside to see if Paul's nearby"

"Row?!" "Via-" You ignore their shocked face and walk outside, hoping the sleeping Cleffa in your bag won't wake up.
Just as you open the door, you bump into someone, almost falling down but thankfully didn't
"I'm so- Paul?!"
He raises an eyebrow and stops to look at you
"Uhm- the next match is yours, right?"
"Yeah, so?"
"Uh n-nothing!" 'Why does he have to be so rude?'
"Are you here to cheer for him or are you in this competition too?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm in this competition too! And cheering for Ash is an obvious thing, friends always cheer for one another!" You smile

"Cleffa~ *yawn*" "Huh- Cleffa you're awake?" The small pink pokémon nods and gets out from your bag on Staravia's head" "Via!" (She said ouch!)
"So you caught a Cleffa too?"
"Yeah I did! It actually hatched from the pink egg I was carrying around for a long time!" You pick Cleffa up who curiously look at Paul.
After staying silent for a while, he spoke up again, "How's that Riolu?"
You stare blankly at him, 'Is it just me or is Paul actually interacting with me?!' "R-riolu's just fine! We were training a lot yesterday so that Riolu could use Force Palm perfectly and guess what! It learnt Feint!" You grin "Thanks a lot for giving me Riolu again!"

Suddenly Rhonda declares Ash as the winner which catches your attention
"If he won, then we can do this too, right guys?" "Via!""row!""cleffa!"

With you talking to your pokémons, you clearly missed the smile Paul had on his face to see you interacting with your team so energetically.

When Ash finally comes over, he hears that the next round is Paul vs a guy named Promo and then he sees Paul talking to you.
"Paul, I had no idea that you entered in this competition" Ash says nicely, despite the attitude Paul always gives him.
"Yeah, so what if I am?" He says rudely and walks away
"So what if you're?" Ash repeats his words before getting mad "Well you could've at least said hi" "Pikachu" Paul without caring about Ash, hopped on the hot air balloon and went away "What is his problem?" He says to himself before facing you, who was busy thinking.

'I swear, Paul was atleast a bit nice with me before Ash came but when he tried to talk to him, he gave him the attitude again? Does he have a super personal rivalry with Ash?'

Paul easily defeated Promo's dragonite and won the round, so it was your turn to go.
"Y/N, best of luck! I'll be rootin' for ya!" "Pi pikachu!"
"Thanks guys" You smile and rush out of the room to see Paul getting out of the balloon "Congrats on winning the round, Paul!"
Paul looks at you and nods "Best of luck for your match, I guess" He says and goes away

Your match was against a trainer who had a Scyther.
"Alright, Staravia, get the ring, quick!" Riding the wind, Staravia manages to escape from Scyther's attacks and counters back with its own ones before scoring a goal.
"Alright! We did it!" "Row!" "Cleffa!" "Luxio" "Lu!" "Lade" All the other five pokémons cheers from the balloon
"And Team Y/N wins this round"

A few rounds later, it was Paul's Honchkrow vs your Staravia.
"Let the match begin!"
"Staravia, quick, get the ring!" Before it can take it away, Honchkrow stole it away "Use sky attack to get it back!"
"Use wing attack" Staravia manages to dodge and land the hit, taking the ring away
"Alright, now head straight for the goal!" The wind started to blow really fast again, making Staravia stumble
"Follow the wind and use Sky attack!"
"Dodge it Staravia!" Staravia tries to dodge, but the ring slips off from its beak
"Take it and use gust!"
"Dodge and use- oh man..." Staravia blows away to a bit faw away, which gives Honchkrow it's sweet time to get to the post and goal.

"And Team Paul wins it!" Rhonda says
"*sighs* and i thought we could defeat him atleast here if not in did great Staravia, don't worry" You reassure the sad flying type and return everyone back before heading down
"It was a great battle Paul, congrats...on winning!" You try to be happy for him
"You don't have to pull that fake cheerful aura around you, admit it that you're sad because you lost, no need to pressure yourself to be happy for your opponent"

Taking your silence, he walks away leaving you alone to your own devices.

The next round happens to be the final round between Ash and Paul which you watch with Dawn, Brock and Arlo.

"Hey Y/N, I saw you talking to Paul after you lost, did he made fun of you for losing again?" Brock asks as the match starts
"No, apparently he didn't....I feel like Paul might've changed a bit, but he still is keeping that attitude around Ash. Did something happen between those two which I don't know of?" You question the three but they all look at you dumbfounded
"Happened between the two, huh? I don't think so"
"Maybe it's because of Chimchar?" Arlo suggests
"It might be because of that. Maybe he's seeing how strong Chimchar is getting or maybe it's because of their last match"
"Last match did left an impact on Ash" Dawn says
"You guys might be right..."

Even though you four try to figure out what happened between Ash and Paul, in reality nothing happened. It's not related to any fight or Chimchar. Paul is the same, same as the first day, he's just a bit different around, you.

The final round gets over with Ash's Staravia evolving into Staraptor and winning the entire round.
Ash receives the Honorary citizen certificate from Squaville's Mayor and a month's supply of special pokémon food which Dawn's Mamoswine proceeds to eat within a blink of an eye, making Dawn get mad.

The sun started to set when everyone was about to leave Squaville and spotted Paul
"Hey, Paul!" Ash calls, making him stop and look back "Don't you think it's great? The starly you didn't care for evolved into a staravia, and now into a powerful staraptor!" Ash exclaims proudly.
Closing his eyes, Paul turns back around again. "Sure took you long enough." He said rudely and walks away.
"Long enough? Hold on a minute, Paul!" Ash calls him but he keeps on walking until he is out of sight

Dawn and Arlo observes this and whispers among themselves.
"Do you think that after the tag battle, he found any respect for Y/N?" Arlo asks
"I mean they both did followed Y/N's plan to win the tournament, maybe he realised that she's actually a great trainer? Or did we all missed something?"
"We might've"
"Hey you two, what're you whispering about?" Brock asks in confusion along with Ash and You
"I-Its nothing!" Dawn stammers "Let's go, Arlo we would be late"

Words: 1468
Published: 16/5/24
Updated: --/--/--

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