Operating Mayhem

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Heyyyyy. A lot of these new chapters I'm posting today are from a 12 week writing seminar I did. So, if they're sucky it's probably from a prompt that I didn't get a lot out of.

Love you all,


"Could you help me with this?" says the doctor as he takes a deep breath. He holds the scalpel in his gloved hand almost as if he is a child seeing a real live unicorn. It seems like he can't believe it's real.

"Y-you want me... to help you?" the patient asks, furrowing her eyebrows and cocking her head.

"Oh yes. You see, I'm not really sure of what I'm doing here. I watched just enough Youtube tutorials to get me through med school and residency, but in situations like these I could use a little assistance. So what better way to be sure of your treatment than to do it yourself?" The doctor sounds confident in himself as he strides around the operating room, explaining his elaborate plan.

"I am not doing this myself." the patient says, fiddling with the ends of her hospital gown.

"I was afraid you'd say that. But no matter what, yes you are." the doctor replies, with a look that seems to say, "Really? It's not that hard."

"No I'm not." the patient states quietly.

"Yes you are." the doctor counters.





"This has gotta be the most immature conversation I've ever had with a doctor." the patient says, flailing her arms around in an exasperated manner.

"Are you calling me immature?" The doctor takes a shocked step back.

"Yes." the patient replies simply. "I am." The doctor feigns a look of hurt on his face.

"And I thought we were becoming fast friends." He makes a sad face, widening his eyes and sticking out his lip. The patient stifles a laugh at his ridiculous antics.

"What made you think that?" the patient asks with an eye roll. The doctor is silent for a moment, before replying.

"Alright. I see how it is. I was going to pull up a video for you to learn how to do this, but I don't think I'm going to do that anymore." He crosses his arms and turns away, tucking his phone back into his coat pocket. The patient scoffs and her eyes narrow.

"I am not treating myself." she says, balling her fists at her sides.

"We already went over this, Susan." the doctor says impatiently. Susan finally snaps.

"I am not doing my own open heart surgery!" she screams, and bolts out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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