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"shhh! Be quiet ryujin" Felix whispered in his deep voice even tho he's only 14 right now, his voice is deeper than a man....

Ryujin took the pot off the stove and poured two bowls of ramen.... "Stop barking Felix.... Let me do my job..."

"You poured more ramen for yourself and more soup for me" Felix whispered yell...

"No I didn't you hungry monkey" ryujin said and went to the living room and Felix followed her, they watched a movie and fell asleep there while hugging eachother....


5 years later....

"Hi hot chick... Where are you going?" Yeonjun said as he pinned ryujin to the locker... "You have a golden chance....take my pictures..." He said and gave her his phone and posed on the stairs...

The girls behind ryujin were fan girling over yeonjun as ryujin rolled her eyes and took his pictures "I'm not your fucking maid yeonjun, this is the last time....I'm telling you..." She took his pictures in his iphone 15....

Suddenly someone snatched the phone from ryujins hand, it was lee Felix....

The girls started to scream his name and started to fangirl over him now....

Felix said to ryujin "don't you have a test? Go to your class ryujin..."

Ryujin rolled her eyes and went to the class...

"Aw you shushed away my free photographer..." Yeonjun said and snatched his phone back from Felix...

"Limits yeonjun....that's my sister..." Felix said...

"I know I know chill dude I was just joking around, + she's not even my brother like sister" yeonjun made a disgusted face rolling his eyes and left the hall....

The door to the big silver BMW Opened as hyunjin stepped out of the car, his long brown shiny hair, angelic sharp eyes and jaw, pink plump lips, 6feet height and simply perfect body outshined the whole school...

He wasn't just a student, he was a star, an icon, a legendary face of the school, the smartest and most active student and half of the school girls and also boys were ready to bark for him anytime...

Felix smiled and waved "hyunjin! Here!"

Hyunjin turned to look at Felix and smiled "hello bro..." He walked forward to Felix as the girls screamed, he even walked like a can a human be so hot?!?

Felix looks at Hyunjin, then looks at the crowd of girls, then back at Hyunjin "Man, you have got to be the luckiest son-of-a-gun ever, they are crazy over others too but when you enter the school...damn, I'd give anything to get the kind of face you do" Felix chuckles "Well, I'll give except maybe some of my height.. haha.." Hyunjin nods with a laugh.

"'s your preparation for the math quiz?" Felix asked...

Hyunjin raises an eyebrow "Math quiz? Oh that, it's all fine" Hyunjin chuckles "what about you? ready or still cramming it in?". Hyunjin puts his arm around Felix's shoulders and they start walking toward the hallway.

"dude... we're gonna pass this quiz like nothing at all....after all...we were born with these incredible brains" Felix said...

"Haha, true!" Hyunjin laughs again and they walk into their classroom, they sit down and start preparing in their own ways. A few minutes later the teacher walks in and puts down a stack of papers onto her desk. She looks up at the class without saying a word and the class quiets down almost instantly. After she stares for a while she smiles and breaks the silence. "Alright, the time has come for the final math quiz, please take a paper and begin."

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