Chapter 109

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Yoongi's POV : 

I awoke to a numbing sensation in my arm, rendering it immobile. As I opened my eyes, I discovered Jimin using my arm as a pillow, clutching me tightly. 

IU was right; we had barely slept for a couple of nights without him. Despite his  acting tough , he still couldn't bear to sleep alone. He detested any mention of him being in our bed, waking up and pretending nothing had happened. He will not talk about his fears when he is alone ,  We didn't push him to speak up, silently welcoming him in our bed as long as he needed to feel completely secure.

Searching for IU, I realized she had already awakened. Her persistent morning sickness had prevented her from finding peaceful sleep. I needed to speak to her doctor,  He needs to prescribe something that could ease her discomfort.

I was lost in my thought when Jimin started to stir in his sleep .

Yoongi : "Jiminie, are you awake?" I gently caressed his cheek and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead—a gesture he cherished deeply. I wasn't accustomed to displaying physical affection, but for Jimin, I would do anything. A smile appeared on his face when he felt my touch.

Jimin : "Morning, Dad. Love you," he murmured. Ever since IU became pregnant, he never missed an opportunity to express his love for us. I wasn't sure why he started doing this after IU's pregnancy, but I'm not complaining.

Yoongi : "Love you too, Jiminie. Now, get up. You need to freshen up before we have breakfast together," I urged him, his face buried in my neck.

Jimin : "Did you talk to Mom?" he asked, his voice tinged with fear. He was afraid to face IU. This kid...

Yoongi : "Yes, I did," I replied, gently pulling away so he could see my face.

Jimin : "Are you mad too?" he asked, his shoulders slumping in shame for his actions. I held his chin, directing his gaze to meet mine.

Yoongi : "I'm not angry baby. But We need to talk" I assured him. He nervously began biting his lower lip.

Jimin : "But... I talked to Jin hyung"  he explained don't want to talk about the conversation he had with Jin hyung . He was referring to the rule of keeping secrets. He needed to confide in at least one of us, and once he did, we couldn't force him to share with the others. However, I was his father, and he needed to talk to me as well.

Yoongi : "I know. If you don't want to share with me, that's okay. But what about yesterday? Don't you have to explain? Your mom wasn't pleased with what you did. I need to hear you out. What compelled you to act that way?" I inquired, gently holding his hands in my lap.

Jimin : "She was hurting him, Dad..." Jimin's words made me sit up straighter, and I continued to hold his hands.

Yoongi : "Baby, you can protect your hyung. I'm not against that at all. You're my brave boy. But you need to think before causing harm. How would you feel if I were to hurt that girl?" I questioned, watching his reaction closely.

Jimin : "What girl, Dad?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion. "Your stupid little girlfriend?" I can't say this but my mind is free to hate her 

Yoongi : " Ara .. " I muttered .

Jimin : " DAD! Why would you do that? I swear she's a nice girl. I don't know why you hate her " Jimin protested.

Yoongi : "I don't hate her... whatever. You just hurt the girl who your hyung somewhat cares about. She's just..." I trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

Jimin : "Tae hyung has someone?!" Jimin's eyes widened

Yoongi : "Not exactly, but she was there, confessing her love, and you misinterpreted it," I clarified, observing his reaction , there was a some sort of realization dawning on his face. tears welling up in his eyes

Jimin : " He's scared of her! She didn't hurt him, but... but he feels unsafe when  " Jimin exclaimed, his tears started to heavily wet his cheeks.

Yoongi : " Hey .. Why crying , what happened " I pulled him in a tight hug .

Jimin : " Dad .. Dad I .. I'm scared too " he started to sob hard trying to hold me tighter if it could be

Yoongi : " Tell me baby , what are you scared off , I'm here , no one will hurt you " he is shaking in my hold , it's been a long time i didn't see him like this , my heart keep clinching every time he let a loud sob out

Jimin : " Jin .. Jin hyung told me there is someone who can fix me .. I .. I want this Dad .. I don't want to be scared anymore , I don't want Tae hyung to be scared too .. I want to talk to him " He was about to get up but i hold him back

Yoongi : " What are you scared off Jiminie , you didn't tell me .. what is it !! " 

Jimin : " No .. you .. you are going to take it wrongly , I .. " He is scared to share his fears with me , how many times i failed him to not be his safe place to freely open up with me .

Yoongi : " Can you try me this time .. I'm sorry Jimin .. maybe I used to act rashly but I promise I will understand you this time .. don't run away from me " He looked me in the eyes , searching if I'm honest with my words.

Jimin : " You will not hate Ara if I tell you ?" It's always end with that girl's name

Yoongi : " Okay , Jimin you need to know something about my feelings toward that girl , If i'm letting her be this close with you , so it means I trust her .. she is not a bad girl , or I don't believe she is hurting you , If she  makes you happy , so I will not chase her away from you.

But .. 

you are the one who love her , not me , I'm a little possessive man , who hate whoever come near you , talk to you , touch you , like today you make me feel jealous from my only hyung the one who i love and trust the most , If i will act due to my feelings I will lock you in my pocket and never let you out , but I don't have the right to do this , and i will hate to do this to you , you are free to love and be friend with whoever you like, my role will end when i be sure you are safe , So don't take my feelings like something I will desire to satisfy , my possessiveness is my problem not yours "

He smiled wiping the tears with the back of his small palms .

Jimin : " Shouldn't you be possessive for Mom , not me ?! " I chuckled 

Yoongi : " You don't know how she is suffering with me , I'm holding my self with you , but with her she almost got locked in my pocket " He giggled with his puffy eyes and red cheek , like he wasn't crying his heart out i few minutes ago ..

Jimin : " My poor Mom .. " 

Yoongi : " So .. Am I trusted now .. can you tell me what is going on with you ?! " 

Jimin :" I  trusted you since forever dad .. I just .. Okay forget it , I'm sorry I made you feel like i don't trust you .. About what I told Jin hyung .. "

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