[22] Flirting With Death

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Alright. So far, so good.

Having woken up to the stupid task the system had assigned, you were naturally on alert. The system could predict when love interests were nearby, and even though you didn't know exactly when you would encounter Shigaraki, it was obviously going to happen before the day was over. You found it difficult to focus on classes while you were racking your brain to come up with cheesy pick-up lines and the like.

Seriously, though. You didn't have a good feeling about this. You just couldn't wrap your head around why Shigaraki was listed as an enemy in the system interface. Based off a first impression alone, he seemed to be rather irritable, but surely he couldn't despise you already, right? Even Katsuki hadn't fallen to enemy status, and that was saying something.

As always, you ate with your friends during lunch, all the while scrolling listlessly though your phone. You had essentially no memories to guide you, but given all of your progress so far, you were inclined to believe that you didn't exactly have the most outstanding charisma. You would probably make a fool out of yourself while trying to flirt. Perhaps Shigaraki would even laugh at you.

God. You might actually cry if that happened.

In an attempt to improve your odds, you'd been perusing the internet for the last little while, hoping to stumble across something a bit more inspired. Most of everything you saw was pretty shit, though. Maybe a super corny pick-up line was endearing in its own way?

Figuring you didn't have much to lose, you decided to give it a little trial run.

"Um, Izuku," you said, quickly clearing your throat. "C-Can I ask you a question?"

"Hm? Oh, sure." He patted his mouth with a napkin, set his plate down, then smiled. "What's on your mind?"

You parted your lips, but no sound came out, and already, you could feel your face growing impossibly hot. Sheesh. This was just meant to be practice for the main event, yet here you were, already getting cold feet.

Stupid system. What was even the point of a daily task like this? You were willing to bet your life that they just enjoyed fucking with you.

Still, as desperately as you wanted to just dig yourself into a hole and never come out, Izuku was the best person to test this out on. You had a strong suspicion that, regardless of how awful your flirting was, he wouldn't get mad at you.

Already cringing, you strained a smile, then mumbled, with a trembling voice, "D-Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your eyes."

Silence. You were met with complete and utter silence. Even Izuku, the sweetest guy ever, didn't quite know how to respond to your stupidity.

Immediately, your hands flew up to cover your face. "I regret everything," you groaned.

You were lucky that Uraraka and Iida were engaged in their own conversation, because you really didn't need any added embarrassment. But Izuku wasn't staying silent because he was turned off by what you'd just said. No one had ever attempted to flirt with him before, so quite frankly, he just didn't understand.

"Get lost in my... what?" he blinked furiously. "Um. I'm sorry. I-I don't get it..."

You heaved a sigh of relief, heat radiating off your flushed cheeks. "Ugh... never mind. That wasn't even a good one. Let me try again. Izuku, you look a bit tired. It must be because you've been running through my mind nonstop."

Once again, he just gaped at you, not putting two and two together. Izuku was by no means a fool, but he suffered from a lack of self-confidence. The idea of someone being romantically interested in him didn't even register as a possibility.

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