Not your fault

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The mistakes you made in the past

Are not present you's fault

You didn't know the consequence

Or how you'd feel now,

Or past you forgot

How to cope with things healthily

And not to say things they'd regret

But try not to blame yourself

For things you can't take back

It's best not to stress over things we can't control

You had control of it then, but not anymore

Sometimes we do things we know are wrong

And we learn from it, once we've accepted what we've done

So lie down and let it be what it is

It doesn't affect who you are as a person

You are no less and your future isn't less bright

Because of things that were destined to happen

That keep you awake at night

Some things have to happen

That arent so great

But in the long run benefit us

From our mistakes

It's time to focus on the present

And let go of the past

So our future can come to fruition

And isn't filled with more wasted regrets

Trashed works (poetry compilation)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz