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Charlie and Vaggie were ported to the golden gates of Heaven. Just standing outside the polished gates with the angelic tune got Charlie gushing.

She held her arms out and motioned to the gate. "Vaggie, look at this place. It's soooo clean! Isn't that amazing?"

"Yup. Super cool," Vaggie sarcastically said. She scoffed. "Heaven. Wow."

Just as they reached the front desk, Saint Peter appeared behind and waved at them. "Hiya!" he greeted happily while pulling out this giant book of reservations. "Welcome to Heaven! Can I get your name, please?"

"Oh! Uhhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!"

Saint Peter opened his book toward the Charlie Ms. "Charlie Morningstar. Hmm." He mumbled indistinctly as he went down the list, looking a bit worried that he couldn't find her. "I'm not seeing you on my list here, that's so odd."

"Uh, um, my dad got me this meeting, so maybe..." Saint Peter nodded so Charlie could give him her dad's name. "Try Lucifer"

His eyes widened when he realized who Lucifer was. "Oh, fuck!" He slammed his book shut. "Yeah. Hooo, hehehe. Yikes, am I right?"

"I'm also Lizzie's sister." Charlie reached into her pocket to pull out his gift. Lizzie gave a brief description of who to look out for. She set the angelic duck with blonde curly hair on his desk. "She actually wanted me to give you this."

Saint Peter's eyes widened as he grabbed the gift. "Aw, this is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. Looks exactly like me! That's Lizzie for you." Then his brows furrowed. "But I'm sure you meant another Lizzie because my Lizzie doesn't have any sisters."

"My?" Vaggie repeated in disgust while Charlie asked, "What do you mean?" Both girls are equally confused as to why he would say that. The only thing Charlie was happy about is that he didn't torch her present like Adam

Saint Peter nervously flew down from the desk to the girls and asked, "Are you sure you're in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost and confused."

Vaggie got tired of him. She crossed her arms and muttered, "Oh, here we go."

Charlie took a step forward. "No, uh... we're, we're here for a meeting." She looked at him curiously. "And what do you mean Lizzie doesn't have a sister?"

Her question went unanswered when two angelic figures appeared above them before changing to their humanoid form.

"Saint Peter," Sera called as she and Emily landed. "We can take it from here." She smiled at Charlie while Emily looked very excited for visitors. "Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the High Seraphim of Heaven." Emily squealed from all the excitement. "You are gifted to be here."

Emily waved at them and walked over. "Hi," she greeted. "I'm Emily, the other Seraphim, though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want, I go by whatever."

"Oh, this is actually great that you're both here." Charlie reached into her pocket and pulled out two other ducks that looked like Sera and Emily. "Lizzie wanted me to give you these."

Emily shrieked as she grabbed her duck. Sera slowly grabbed it with a small smile but it quickly went away to a look of guilt. Vaggie noticed and narrowed her eyes at Sera.

"Are you one of Lizzie's friends?!" Emily beamed. "It's just like her to befriend everyone she sees. I miss her like crazy!" Charlie was even more confused. Why would Emily think Lizzie's just a friend if they know Lucifer is her dad? "Anyway, welcome to Heaven!"

Soon there was this spotlight on Saint Peter as the sound of church organs played behind him. He smiled as he floated above everyone and said, "Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say onto thee..."

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