Shakuni's Anjali

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In gandhar,
Anjali came into rajya sabha where shakuni was present his face was filled with anger 😡😡😡 after listening to the messager

A- pranipat pithashree was our act successful

S- it made the atmosphere sad but our target was not successful

A-ok iam leaving

S-goo...u know wht to do it

She smiled and left
In hastinapur,

Subhadra hand was treated and kunti took her to her room and subhadra is lying in kunti 's lap .... pandavas and Dushala were also present rest was examining who did it and draupadi was in her chamber
In draupadi's chamber,

D-i thought I am most beautiful princess in aryavat but that subhadra hmm I want rajkumar arjun wht should I do now

In Kunti 's chamber,

D-subhu ur ok no

S- s dushu ...u  stop crying

D- how can I see ur hand is still bleeding

Subhadra smiled

Arjun roared -iam not going to leave the attacker

Subhadra was scared due to his anger 👿 👿 👿 it was clearly visible in her face
...arjun saw it and cooled himself he don't want his love to get scared bcz of him but then it struck him that she knows who did it but he can't ask it to her due to his madhav's word he really wanted to know the attacker and his identity...

K-arjun calm down mahithatma bheeshm will definitely find it out

Arjun nodded...after sometime all Pandavas left expect arjun then Dushala went as she was already half sleep arjun was sitting on a sofa his eyes showed how much they r craving for sleep

K-arjun now go and sleep u need rest

A-mata but what if the attacker come again u need protection

K- arjun duryodhana and his 99 brother's also returned giving  a safe sign even then mahithatma bheeshma is still on rounds hastinapur sena is alerted there is no danger now goo

Arjun nodded with a sign once saw his love sleeping in Kunti 's lap peacefully she was looking so cuteeee  he smiled and left from there

In Dwaraka,

Information came abt subhadra's hand cut ,

B-kanha see wht happened ur told she will be safe the first day itself she got pain there

K- day control she saved arjun life(while eating butter)

B-kanhaa will u pls be serious once at least it is our own sister who got hurt not someone else ...ahh the butter

He snatched it from his hands

K-dau u there naa always serious y do u want me to be same now give my butter she will be safe don't worry

Saying he snatched it again

D-u won't change i will ask her to return noo i myself will go and get her back
till then u take care

Krishna giggled thinking the condition of his dear friend

D-now y r u laughing

K-wht I should not even laugh this is too much dau

D-what ever

Balaram started with his army to hastinapur...

Angali started to her destination

Draupadi implemented her plan

Arjun wanted to propose subhadra

Drupad plan was comming to end

Subhadra was ready to change the situation with her plan

Duryodhana saw subhadra for first time
So guys this is today's chapter

I know it short and after long time but next one is longest of till now

Also with some twist and turns , I gave a glimpse of next chapter

Comment ur views

And for draupadi lovers / respecters  draupadi's charector change will be also soon


Om nama sivaya

Jai Shree Ram

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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