Chapter 16

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Becky's pov.

"No," I gritted quietly, dropping my gaze to my fidgety hands. My subconscious laughed. Liar. Liar. Liar.

I cleared my throat, my eyes fixated down on my binder, "Do you feel better now?"

"I'm fine, Bec. What are you trying to hide?" He sliced through my attempts at deviating from the topic.

The next thing I knew, my chin was being forced up, my eyes meeting Heng's finally.

"Jeez Becky, you look like you haven't slept in three days."


I turned my head away quickly, "It's nothing, I just...uh....have a lot going on, it's kind of stressing me out a bit."

"Yeah, right," He raised an eyebrow suspiciously. A smirk then pulled at his lips, "Looks like pure little Becky is finally getting some action all night."

I picked my last fry and threw it at him. He dodged it, sticking out his tongue.

"Yo Heng, stop acting like a kid," Both Heng and I turned our heads towards the direction of the deep voice.

I could only furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I watched Heng's mouth go from a firm line to a full blown grin as he stood up chuckling, high fiving a girl I'd never seen before, who happened to stop right in front of our table. As her white skin glistening angelically under the lights, my attention was captured immediately.

"Yeah, well, if we stop having this conversation, she'll be the one with the kids," Heng pointed to me, to my absolute horror.

The woman looked down at me. "Hi there."

I smiled, blurting a small hello. I couldn't help but notice how hot she was.

"Bec, meet Anda Anunta," I gave a small nod to the girl.

"And Anda, this is Becky Armstrong." Heng pointed towards me.

"So this is who you've been hanging out with instead of the gang," Anda smiled, never taking her perfect slanted eyes off of me. "I can see why."

I only hoped that I wasn't blushing furiously.

"You're not going to stay?" Heng questioned.

She shrugged, getting up, "Nah, man, I came looking for you. I just need to talk real quick," I didn't miss Heng narrowing his eyes for a second, before casually shrugging, following Anda outside the café.

My curious gaze followed both of their figures through the window. They started off with all snickers, with what appeared to be playful banter. Anda's eyes caught mine, and she winked at me. But then, what started as jokes and crosstalk, oddly evolved into them arguing about something, heavily, leaving me fazed.

The last thing I noticed was Anda storming off, leaving Heng to shout something behind her, flipping her off. I looked at Heng with perplexed eyes as he entered the café again.

"Hey, what happened out there?"

He shrugged, "Nothing, just some chick stuff. Anyway, hope you're free this Saturday. We're going to Anda's party," He grinned, collecting his stuff. No sign of any tension.

"We?" My eyes squinted in confusion.

"Yeah, she asked me to invite you too."


A/N: I thought really hard on which type of character should I give my handsome Anda and I don't know if this is a fit but let's see. I know You guys might be like why no Lookkaew well because Anda is just for important purposes so don't mind. And also because Anda is my new found crush so I thought why not make her a baddie character. Slayy. See yaa <3

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