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Saleah's POV
Carson left for North Carolina yesterday and we have not spoke since our argument. I was actually sleeping in my Hamptons house currently. Well trying to sleep I was watching his plane to make sure he got there safe. Even though I'm 'selfish' I wanted to make sure that he was okay. I saw that the plane had just landed I called him, hoping he would pick up.

"Hi baby" I said into the phone as he answered.

"Hi" he spoke with some rustling in the background.

"I'm glad you got in okay" I spoke quietly.

"Same. Look I gotta get my bags. I will call you when I get to my hotel. I love you" he spoke.

"I love you too" I said before he quickly hung up the phone. Still mad I see. I huffed before looking over at the clock. It was midday and I needed something to do so I called  Nina and invited her to shop. I needed to vent to someone but that means I would have to tell her and I don't know if I was ready for that.

Walking into Gucci I still hadn't told Nina what has been on my mind and it was eating me. I hated when things were stuck on my mind. Plus Cash still hasn't texted me or called me and I know that he has been at his hotel, I checked his location. 

"What is on your mind?" Nina asked looking at me "you haven't even picked up a singular pair of shoes since we've been out and you always pick up shoes"

"I have something to tell you but you can't tell anyone" I spoke in a hushed tone pulling her into a corner in the store.

"Are you pregnant?" She asked with excitement in her voice.

"No bitch. Carson and I have been dating for two years and we had a fight. Like a big one our biggest fight ever and I think I'm the one in the wrong" I spoke fast.

I watched her eyes go from shock to fear to excitement to confusion in like thirty seconds. "Start from the beginning of this relationship. Cause what? How? When?"

"Well it started his last year of college. Remember the first homecoming I came back for?" I questioned. She nodded "we had that kiss and I couldn't get him out of my head so I texted him. From there we talked everyday that whole year. Then he asked my out Valentine's Day the next year"

"Wait that is who sends you flowers every year?" She exclaimed. I nodded. He does send me a couple dozen pink roses every year along with gifts and things.

"Well you know he just got traded and the original plan was for me to spend my two months break with him but I can't fathom going to North Carolina and getting caught because we're not public" I spoke. I then gave her the whole run down on the argument that we had. She gave me a look before speaking.

"It's North Carolina Lea? Who's going to catch you?" Nina asked.

"It's not that simple" I exclaimed.

"No it is that simple. You love him. He loves you. But you're putting tennis before that. And he picks you up after tennis does he not? He supports you in the bad days? Lea baby he just got traded to a new team at the end of his rookie contract I think" she drug out the k "you should go be with him. If you get caught what really is the worse that can happen? You will be fine. Serena dated Drake, if she can get past that you and Carson will be fine"

Damn "yeah?" I questioned.

"Yeah go be with your man and stop putting tennis above everyone else. It's not fair to him. And for his last comment tell him that being vindictive isn't cute. He could still come to your matches but he is right to be hurt" Nina stated. I gave her a hug because she was right I guess I wasn't thinking clearly. Then she hit me in the arm "also two years you've been keeping a secret is fucked up"

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