twenty eight

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Your relationship with Gojo really had you thinking a lot about your toxic ex. Not Geto, but the man you were with before him. Simply because of how drastically different your relationship now is compared to that one. Your ex, Into Takuma, you met when you were 15 and were living on your own having led your foster family. 

Ino was your classmate in high school and was your best friend. He knew about your home situation and let you stay at his place whenever you needed some company. It got lonely living on your own in a small apartment that your serving job barely funded. He would let you steal from his fridge from time to time, no questions asked, and soon enough this friendship turned into something more. 

Ino was handsome and sweet and kind. Or so you thought. Once his true personality came to light, he wasn't so attractive anymore. In fact, he was one of the ugliest people you'd ever met. Before he'd unveiled his true colours, you lost your virginity to him. In the moment it was special, as far as you knew, you were losing it to a close friend. Someone you loved. Someone who loved you. You couldn't be more wrong. 

You see, Ino was a jealous man. It didn't take long for the other boys at school to take notice of you and this fact sent Ino into a jealous rage that never seemed to cease. He started calling you a slut and a whore just for other men looking at you. He wouldn't let you leave the house unless he approved of your outfit and soon his verbal assaults became physical. He was not the man you thought you knew. 

He claimed to love you, but then how can he hurt the one he loved? The one he knew endured so much already? The truth was, Ino only loved himself. He loved the feeling of power he'd get by controlling you through fear and intimidation. He loved to watch you cower. He loved the way you shook when he threatened you and he loved knowing you had no one else to turn to but him. 

Little did he know that you were crafting an escape plan. You'd done your research and knew that often leaving these narcissistic monsters was more dangerous than staying with them. So, you simply left without a trace. You switched schools. Moved. Got the hell out of town and started anew. Albeit lonelier than before, but safer. And safety was what you needed. You were able to graduate with honours and secured your scholarship into university. You were able to pick up the broken pieces of your past and forge a new, promising future. You did that. On your own. You should be proud.

Gojo found you at another troubling time in your life, but he didn't do what Ino did. In fact, he did simply the opposite. He was there for you day and night offering you care and sympathy when you needed it most. Most of all, he let you know you weren't alone. Since, he was suffering right alongside you. You both lost something, and you were determined to work together to try to heal. Through that, an unbreakable bond was forged and the love between the two of you was undeniable. You had become each other's rocks. You became two halves of the same whole. 

The special place Satoru had in your heart was exactly why you were so nervous to meet his family. You didn't want to disappoint them. You wanted nothing more than to live up to the expectation of being Satoru's first girlfriend. Satoru's first love. That is why your mind was stirring as you got ready to leave for the Gojo manor. The house of Satoru's family. 

You changed your earrings into some small white gold hoops and dressed elegantly. Similar to something that you'd wear at the office, but a little more dressy. You wanted to fit that 'old money' aesthetic. You wanted to fit it. No matter how many times you attended upscale events, you always felt as though you were masquerading as someone else due to your past. You didn't think you'd ever feel as though you truly fit in. That much didn't matter, what did matter was at least you were trying. What more could you do?

"You ready, baby?" Satoru asks, straightening his tie.

"Yes" you say. A little white lie, but oh well. "I'm ready."

in his eyes | satoru gojo x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang