Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Sichuan City Earthquake (1)

On the train from Lhasa to Sichuan City, the smell of instant noodles and boxed lunches was wafting slowly. Slowly drive into Lanzhou Station , the train stopped at Lanzhou Station.

After the train arrived at the station smoothly, the passengers boarded and got off the train in an orderly manner, carrying their luggage and packages.

Most of the people had a bit of anxiety and exhaustion on their faces.

Qin Fei mingled among this group of tourists.

Although she had deliberately dressed low-key, she still made people feel out of place, attracting attention and turning their attention frequently.

With a height of 1.76 meters, she is not short among men, let alone a woman. , especially a woman with a good figure and a good face, it is difficult not to make people look at her twice.

However, the last thing she wanted at this moment was this attention.

She pressed down on the brim of her hat, stepped on her long legs, and quickly got into the sleeper car.

This is a bitter experience for the assistant Ka Fei who is following behind.

She saw her assistant running all the way to chase her.

At this moment, she wanted to sit on the ground and stretch her legs twenty centimeters.

Only since she became Qin Fei's assistant did she know what it meant to lose at the starting line.

When someone takes one step, she has to take three steps to catch up. She hasn't walked slowly in the past few years.

After finally catching up with Qin Fei, she couldn't even breathe , so she begged with a grimace: "Sister, I also ate the Peking duck and the Lanzhou ramen. Let's not eat this Sichuan hot pot. I think we should go back and talk to the boss about the solution, the matter is so big..."

"It's just because it's such a big fuss that I can't go back. Think about it, if I go back now, it will just make those reporters yell at each other and be blocked. Rather than going back to being a street rat, it’s better to take this period of time to take a vacation and go back to make a comeback after the storm subsides.”

“But the boss...”

Before Ka Fei could finish her words, Qin Fei’s phone clicked.

There was a "buzzing" vibration, and the three words "Ren Si Qi" flashed on the screen.

Qin Fei frowned, rolled her eyes, gave Ja Fei a sharp look, and scolded: "You crow's mouth, you said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Ka Fei pouted with an innocent face, and her round face was stupid and cute , Qin Fei poked her forehead and pointed to the phone, "I'll go to the bathroom to answer the phone, you clean up the bed, there's a weird smell."

After saying that, she held the phone and ducked into the bathroom.

After pressing the answer button, she immediately pulled the phone away.

Sure enough, Ren Si Qi's roar instantly sounded in the receiver.

"Qin Fei, where did you die? You can be considered the first person in history to help others catch an adulterer and make yourself their mistress. Do you know that Jin Na is crying everywhere about how you seduced her husband? I wonder how you will do this in the future , To gain a foothold in the circle... Qin Fei, are you listening to what I'm saying..."

"Yes, I'm here. Boss Ren, her husband is such a pig, I won't seduce him even if I'm blind. I just joined in the fun to watch, but I didn’t know that the mistress was her sister. The two sisters were nothing, but when the media came, they actually pushed me out to block the gun. I was wronged..."

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