Chp 27 : A friendly advice.

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Ben has been completely unproductive for the last several weeks. As he sits across the laptop, his thoughts drift to Shelley, he notices the flickering cursor on his laptop screen. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to maintain his concentration on the work at hand. Simply calling her to inquire about her day was all he wanted.

He finally gives up on getting anything done and grabs for his phone to contact her, only to have his plan interrupted by an incoming call.

"What the holy sh*t have you been up to for the last four weeks?" This is what the person on the other end of the phone says. "Unfortunately, I was unable to reach you when I attempted to contact you."

"I was working." Something with which you are already familiar. What seems to be the problem? Ben inquires.

"Are you back at your place yet?" "Yes". That's great news, because I plan to visit.

Alright, see you here.

A moment later, a worn-out Blackson enters the room where Ben was sitting and sits directly across from him.

"Rough day?" Ben inquires, lifting his gaze from the files he's holding.

You have no idea, says Blackson. "You want to talk about it?" Moving to the side table, Blackson poured himself some whiskey. Well, things are not going so well with Mrs.. Apparently, she wants more of me.

"Which is?"

You know, my time, my undivided attention, quality time with the kids, and so on. She said I work too much.

So? Then, give it to her. "It's not that simple." Really! Explain it to me then.

He announces, "I am a doctor," as he takes a sip. Without my intervention, sick people would not recover, and I cannot afford to be idle.

You acknowledge the fact that your wife and children are human beings, correct? Even though they do not exhibit physical signs of illness, they do emotionally. They long for your attention and love, just as your patients do. I am afraid if you continue to ignore these, you may end up losing your marriage and family.

"I am not ignoring them."

If I may ask, when was the last time you took a vacation from work? Even better, a leave of absence. In my opinion, that medical centre employs more than one physician. Because you are an integral part of the team, these patient will still be cared for even if you take a leave of absence. Why not take advantage of your annual leave to treat your family to a vacation? There are other doctors who can step in if the need arises. Overall, the family will benefit.

You don't understand. I don't know how to relax.

"Then learn." Your marriage depends on it. Besides, Margaret is an amazing woman. It will be a shame if you are to lose her.

Very well. Then I'll give your method a shot. My relationship with my wife is important to me, and I will do all it takes to maintain it.

Speaking of relationships, How are things between you and Shelley?

It's good. "Just good?!" Yap. "I see. That might explain her cheerful demeanour in the workplace."

"Really?!" says Ben, making Blackson burst into laughter at his sudden response.

"You really are in love with this girl, aren't you?" With Ben's cheeks burning with embarrassment, he bluntly requests that if there is no significant information regarding the person in question, Blackson should refrain from speaking.

Resignedly raising his hands in surrender, he apologises and proceeds towards the guest room. By the way..., he directs a comment towards him, stating, "I genuinely meant what I said about her appearing cheerful lately." Whatever you are doing to make her happy, keep at it.

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