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"CHARLIE?!" Everyone yells in unison
"Okay I'm calling the police" Dior says pulling her phone from her pocket
"Okay DON'T PANIC!" Dior says looking up from her phone
"WHAT?!" You say definitely panicking
"I don't have reception" she says with terror in her eyes
"Please tell me you're kidding" walker says as you just stand there petrified
"I'm not kidding" Dior says obviously scared
"Maybe it's just my phone? Maybe you guys have a signal?" Dior says
Aryan reaches in his pocket for his phone and tips his head back
"Ugh!! I left my phone by the fireplace" Aryan sighs
"Omg Walker! Both my phone and your phone are dead because of me!" You say
"Hey! Don't blame yourself! How were you supposed to know something like this would happen? It's not your fault y/n! Trust me" Walker kisses you
"Oh honey don't blame yourself! Trust me nobody thought this would happen" she hugs you
"Yeah it's not your fault" Aryan agrees sweetly
"Oh Taylor is probably so worried!! I haven't called her in so long! And my mom too is probably freaking out"
"Should we go get my phone so we can tell them you're okay and call the police?" Aryan asks
"I guess so? Hold on when was the last time everyone saw Charlie?" Walker asks
"The last room I think" Dior says
"Okay let's go look in there first" walker says
You all walked into the last room huddled together. Walker leading the way, you behind him and Dior behind you, Aryan was in the back. The quiet was eerie. The floor creaked after every footstep
"Charlie?" You yell
Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and you saw a shadowy figure floating outside that was followed by a horrific scream
"Ahhhhh!!! Walker there's-there's someone outside!" You scream
"I know I saw" He holds you tightly trying hard not to panic
"Guys did you see that?" You ask
"Yeah" Dior stutters
"Aryan? ARYAN?!" You scream
You looked behind Dior and he was gone
"Okay now I'm really scared" Dior says
"If this is a nightmare I WANNA WAKE UP" you say completely terrified
"Okay here's what we need to do. Y/n remember the golf club Taylor gave you from her music video?" Walker asks
"Yeah" you reply
"We need to go get it. There's not enough of us anymore. We need something to protect us" He says
"Why did you bring it with you?" Dior asks
"Because when Taylor gave it to me she said if someone ever tries to hurt you use this to give them a nasty scar" you explained (lyric reference intended lol)
While the three of you were walking to your room you stop by the fireplace to call someone with Aryan's phone
"Where is Aryan's phone?!" You yell
"Wait how could this have happened? He said he left it here! Did someone take it??" Dior asks
"Omg! Whoever is doing all this doesn't want us to call the police for help!" You start to cry
"Awwww please don't cry angel! It's okay! I won't let anything happen to you" Walker hugs you tight and stroked your hair as you cry in his neck
"Sweetie don't worry Walker and I will protect you" Dior reassures you
"I'm not just worried about me! Everyone is disappearing! What if you guys disappear too! What if you're hurt!" You sob
"Nothing is gonna happen to us honey. Don't worry" Dior hugs you
"We are gonna be okay! Okay?" Walker kisses your head
"Yeah" you say as he wipes your tears
When you got to the room you and Walker share you reached under the bed and grabbed the golf club
When you stood back up your saw only Walker looking at you
Your face looks as you've seen a ghost and you just collapse on the bed and look up at the ceiling
"Y/n! What's wrong?!" Walker asks worried
"Where is Dior?!" You mutter not moving
Walker turns around and looks around the room
"Oh come on! They are just picking us off one by one! Where is everyone going?! What is this a horror movie?!" Walker yells
"You told that scary story earlier and now it's coming true! We are all gonna die here!!" You say sitting up and see Walker pacing the room thinking
"It's okay! We are not gonna die" he says sweetly
Suddenly an evil laugh echos through the house
"Yes don't worry dear everything will be okay" the evil laugh said in a menacing voice
"Dude where are you?! What have you done with our friends?!" Walker yells
"This has to be fake. This has to be fake. This has to be fake." You say having a panic attack
"Don't worry! You'll be okay!" He walks over to you and holds your hand
Suddenly a hooded figure runs by the bedroom door faster than lighting
Walker grabs you and the two of you run to the corner of the room
The dresser door slams open and Walker runs over to looks inside
Suddenly someone grabs you from behind and covers your mouth as they pull you into the closet
You start hitting them with the golf club when you turn and see they look familiar
"Ow! Hey! Stop! Stop! It's me!" You turn around and see Aryan
"Aryan what are you doing?!" You hit him
"I had nothing to do with this I promise! This was all fake! They slammed doors and did all this to make it look like someone was stalking us but it was all fake! It was for some stupid TV show! I had nothing to do with it! But when they grabbed me they said they were gonna get you I asked them if I could. I knew you'd probably be less scared if it wasn't a stranger dragging you into a closet" Aryan explains
"What?! What kind of stupid TV show is this?!" You say angry
"It's like some stupid prank show for celebrities" Aryan shrugs
"Wait Walker he-" he were cut off by Walker yelling
"Y/n?! Y/n?! Is this a joke?? This isn't funny. Y/N!!" Walker screams
"Look I don't know who you are or what you are doing! But if you're gonna take them take me too! If you're gonna kill y/n at least kill me too because I don't wanna live without her! Where are you?! IF YOU HURT HER I DON'T CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES I WILL FIND YOU! IM WARNING YOU NOW! Y/N IF YOU CAN HEAR ME I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH AND I WILL FIND YOU!!" Walker exclaims as you smile because he loves you so much but it quickly turns to a frown when you think about how scared he must be right now
"Come look me in the eye! What are you afraid?!" Walker taunts as the bedroom door swings open and the camera crew walk in
"Walker Scobell you have been spooked!" The man smiles
"What?!" He says confused
You run out of the closet and jump in his arms and kiss him
He hugs you so tight you kinda can't breathe lol
"This was all a prank. None of us were in on it. It is an idiotic prank TV show." You explain to him
"You made us believe that we and our friends could've been killed tonight for a stupid show?!" Walker says angrily
"YOU GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" You scream at the man
He just starts crackling "that's the point" he laughs
"Dior!" You exclaim and hug her when she walks into the room
"I thought you were dead" You say relived
"I'm so sorry to scare you y/n! They grabbed me and I couldn't warn you" she glares at them
"You see every slammed door, every spooky sound, the phones not working was all us!" The guy from the tv show says in a happy voice
"Wait! Was the power outage you too??" You ask sooooo mad
"No! That was just a bonus" the man laughs
Charlie walks into the room and you hug him
"I was so worried you were dead" you say
"I'm so sorry! I had to watch you freak out. They wouldn't let me tell you!" Charlie explains
He was first to disappear so he watched everything happen
"How does Tom Holland react to our prank on him and Zendaya? Find out next week on Celebrity Spooks!" The man says not even phased that was he did was horrible
"Someone give me a phone! I need to call Taylor and my mom and omg so many people!"
"Here" the man hands you a portable phone charger and cord for your phone
The camera crew leaves and the five of you sit down by the fire in the living room
When your phone turns on a million texts come in
You talked to your mom and she was worried sick. Next was Taylor.
Wait! Before you say anything I'm okay!
                                             Oh good! Travis she's okay!!
We thought we were dead though
Yeah. There's this stupid tv show
called celebrity spooks and they
made us think we were gonna die.
They even started kidnapping us!
                                             Wait! They were kidnapping
                                              you for a tv show?!
Yup first Charlie disappeared
then Aryan, Dior then finally they took me!
                                                                    Are you okay?!
Yeah I'm fine! I might've had a minor
heart attack and you may have to be
my alibi when I kill whoever thought
of this but yeah I'm fine
                                        Girl I can't be your alibi when I
                                   am the one who killed this person
Haha we will get him together!
                                                                         Yes! Perfect!
I got to go I have like a billion texts
from people probably having heart
attacks right now
                                                 Oh yes! Yes of course go!
                                          Wait did you call your mom?
                                      You called her before me right?
Yes of course!
                                                                 Okay wonderful!
                                                        Alright be safe angel!!
                                                            I love you so much!!
Love you too!! Bye!

You open your messages and start to reply

—You open your messages and start to reply

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You replied to all your messages and you all were just relaxing looking at the fire

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You replied to all your messages and you all were just relaxing looking at the fire. Suddenly the lights turned back on!
"Yayyyyyyyyy!!!" Everyone cheered
Walker stood up really fast and ran out of the room
He came back around 25 minutes later with grilled cheese, tater tots, cookies, hot chocolate and ice cream!
"See this is why I love you" you say as you shove a cookie in your mouth
"You only love me for the food I make you" walker whines
"Yup" you joke

Hiii everyone!! I hope you liked this chapter!! Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger last chapter lol. And sorry to everyone I freaked out😭 if you liked the chapter please vote and comment!! Love you all sooo much!!💓💓💓💗💞💝💖💓💗💞💝💗💖💞💗💝💖💓💗💞💝💓💗💖💝💞

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