Chapter 11

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Hellooooooooo there! Welcome back! I actually hadn't planned for this chapter to go this way originally, but writing the end of the last chapter, especially Mokuba finding out scene, this came to me. Now enough of me rambling... on with the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Seriously, what the fuck is going on here?

No way, under any circumstances, were any of Yugi's little friends supposed to be involved in this. I don't want them finding out and telling him anything, whether it be on purpose or not, and now 2 of them might possibly know.

I was seething walking off the helicopter, Yugi thought it was because of the mind slave thing, but it was because of Marik pulling some shit we never discussed. If this was running things behind the scenes, so help me when finals start. Anzu had a cyanide pill in her mouth and walking down the stair of a ship. Jounouchi was at the dock, leading me over. I could see they both had the contacts in as well as the ear pieces. Thankfully Yugi never seemed to notice these, even though they are a bit obvious. Jounouchi lead us over to the arena of sorts which was fixed up with a giant anchor and a timer with 2 chains coming down from either end. I was forced to put one around my wrist as Jounouchi explained how the duel would work. I on the other hand was deciding whether or not I should put Yugi to sleep to get some answers. I decided that answers were far more important here so I did just that.

"Marik drop the act we're alone."

"Oh are we? What's wrong?"

"You know damn well what's wrong. What the hell are Yugi's friends doing here?" At this both Jounouchi and Anzu were looking at me in shock, but I would deal with them later.

"Well I did say I had a surprise for you."

"There's a difference between surprises and shit that compromises our plans."

"Who said this compromises anything?"

"Well you picked the blonde who can't shut his mouth and the girl who would tell Yugi anything. Gee I wonder what the fuck could go wrong here." Jounouchi got an indignant look on his face at this and Anzu looked hurt that I thought she couldn't keep a secret. I honestly didn't care, Kaiba however looked thoroughly amused by the situation dawning a smirk on his face.

"Hey man I can keep a secret." Jounouchi said.

"And I know when and when not to tell things to Yugi." Anzu said

At this I glared at them. They backed up a bit in shock, but I still kept my gaze. "Jounouchi I know that's what you think, but trust me you are sorely mistaken trust me on that. As for you Anzu, that may be true, but I know that you would consider this one of those times to tell him something, and Yugi must never find out about this."

"Look what's your deal? We're your friends right?" Jounouchi said.

"Correction. You are Yugi's friends, not mine. The only reason I keep you around is because he wants you there, trust me if he didn't I would've let you get your ass kicked back in Duelist Kingdom."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He shouted.

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that I had to give you hints through every fucking duel because you were too stupid to see through some of the oldest tricks in the book. Why do you think I called our duel pointless right before Pegasus, it wasn't because I knew Pegasus was no real threat, no, it was because I saw no point in dueling someone who wasn't even in my skill league."

Jounouchi just stood there like a gaping fish opening and closing his mouth, kinda of like how he looked when he couldn't retort Kaiba on something. I can see why Kaiba get such amusement off of this. Anzu then glared at me herself and said to me:

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