Chapter 18

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Does anybody hear the sounds of cheering and joy? Well I do! Summer Vacation, HERE I COME! I get to stay up late all the time and not care when I eat! YES! I feel rejuvenated, especially at the thought of getting to finish a bunch of animes! Alright, I'll stop screaming about it now and get on with the story, but don't think you've heard the last of it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

When I woke up the next morning I could hear Bobasa already bouncing around through the walls. It was only 5:00 AM for fuck's sakes. Jounouchi was just sleeping through it, but I'm sure Bobassa was successful in waking up the rest of the hotel. I got dressed and went over to his room, meeting Anzu in the hallway. I started banging on the door angrily to get his attention. Honda was the one who ended up answering. He looked just as disheveled as me and Anzu. All of us had clothes half thrown on and bedheads being thoroughly disrupted from our sleep.

"Where's Jounouchi?" Honda asked

"Motherfucker is actually able to sleep through this shit, speaking of, what the fuck is this?" I replied

"I don't even know man, He woke up 5 minutes ago and started jumping up and down shouting 'Time to get up!' and hasn't stopped."

"Let me in so I can teach this idiot a lesson."


Honda moved out of the way and I strut right in ready to give Bobasa a piece of my mind.

"Bobasa! What the fuck do you want?!" I screamed

At this he finally stopped jumping and shouting and looked over to me.

"Oh! You are finally up!" Bobasa said in his way too annoying for this time in the morning voice.

"Yes I am." I growled out "Now tell me why I had to have such a rude awakening." I ground out

"Kaiba informed me last night that we are to be at our destination at 7:00 today, so Bobasa thought Bobasa would give you all a wake up call!"

"And you couldn't do it like a normal person because?!"

"Well Bobasa had to get you all up in the shortest amount of time didn't he?"

"Yeah all of us plus the entire hotel."

"Bobasa can see that you are displeased, did Bobasa do something wrong?"

"Whatever, too late to care now. I'm going to get ready and try and wake up the rock."

"Wait, Bobasa was also supposed to tell you to make sure you bring the items with you!"

With that I left the room and went into the bathroom with a spare set of clothes. I showered, brushed my teeth and attempted to style my hair into something. Then I went over to Jounouchi's bed and pretty much pushed him off the bed. This ended with a loud crash, some swearing and a lot of shouting at me. I ignored him and walked out of the room. Neither Kaiba nor Bobasa had said anything about us only staying 1 night so I assumed we were to leave our stuff here, and headed down to the lobby to wait for the others.

I was joined by them in about 20 minutes and a jeep pulled up out front. The guy driving it came in and gave the keys to Bobasa, so this was obviously our ride. We piled in and took off to what seemed to be a studio of sorts. Kaiba was there at the front entrance to greet us.

"Good you're all here."

"Yes, now why are we here of all places?"

"Well you all need to enter the millennium puzzle somehow right?"

I, Yugi Motou, am a PsychopathWhere stories live. Discover now