Taiream: Perfect to me 💛🧡

75 2 9

Requested by: CHICKENRED7777

Cream: mom can we go to the park?

Vanilla: sure sweetie.....

Cream: yay! *Runs out the door with cheese and Vanilla follows behind them*

Vanilla: be careful ok honey?

Cream: I will mom!

*Cream runs to the swings with Cheese*

Cream: wanna swing cheese?

Cheese: Chao Chao!

*Cream and Cheese start swinging on the swings*

Cream: this is fun huh cheese?

Cheese: Chao Chao!

Bully 1: look at this! The freak is talking to her pet! *Starts laughing at cream* 

Bully 2: *goes behind her*   maybe it's because it's as ugly as her! *Pulls on Cream's ears*

Cream: h-hey! Leave me and Cheese alone y-you....b-bullies!

Bully 1: look the little freak is gonna cry! Waaaa waaa! *Laughs at her*

Bully 2: oh how sad! *Laughs with the other bully*


Bully: what's the little blueberry trying to say? Aww is he trying to protect the freak? How cute....*picks up Cheese and holds him so Cream can't reach him* come get him freak!

Tails: *is walking through the park* I can't believe Sonic wouldn't stop teasing me....*sees the bullies picking on Cream* Cream are you- hey leave her alone!

Bully 2: hey look! Another freak....this one's got two tails!

Bully 1: what are you gonna do fox boy? Do you know this freak?

Bully 2: maybe she's his girlfriend!

Bully 1: Freaks gotta stick together.... right?

Tails: LEAVE CREAM ALONE! SHE'S NOT A FREAK! SHE'S SWEET, KIND, AND VERY PRETTY! *Tails mind: I really hope Cream didn't hear that last one....*

Bully 1: whatever....let's get out of here and leave the freaks alone together.....*drops Cheese and walks away*

Bully 2: *follows Bully 1* cya freaks later!

Cream: *she is crying while hugging Cheese*

Cheese: *hugs Cream to help calm her down* Chao Chao?

Tails: are you ok cream?

Cream: yeah I'm ok....thanks Tails *she smiles at him*

Tails: *he smiles back and blushes a bit* what were they saying to you?

Cream: they kept calling me a freak and saying that I'm ugly....

Tails: they are just mean bullies.....I'm sorry that happened....

Cream: it's ok....I'm just glad you helped me.....

Tails: you're not a freak or ugly Cream.....you're very pretty and cute.....*he covers his mouth after realizing what he said* ...

Cream: r-really? *She blushes a bit*

Tails: y-yes....

Cream: awww well thank you Tails!

Tails: no problem Cream!

Cream: hey Tails you wanna play on the playground with me and Cheese?

Tails: sure!

*A few hours (2 hours) of playing on the playground later*

Vanilla: Cream dear? Are you having fun?

Cream: yes mother! I'm playing with Tails!

Vanilla: well it's time to go home and eat dinner

A/N: if your confused, it was 4:00 when they got to the park and 6:00 is when people normally (in some countries/places) eat dinner.

Cream: ok mother! *Gives Tails a hug* bye Tails! I'll see you later!

Tails: *blushes a bit when she hugs him and hugs back*  oh bye Cream!

*After Cream, Cheese and Vanilla get home*

Cream: I had so much fun at the park today!

Vanilla: I'm glad dear....

*After they eat dinner and get ready for bed*

Cream: goodnight mother....

Vanilla: *she kisses cream on the forehead* goodnight dear...

*Meanwhile with Tails*

Sonic: you didn't tell me you had another date with Cream?

Tails: w-what? Date?

Sonic: I saw you two playing at the park together and you kept blushing a few times! You even helped her get rid of those bullies!

Tails: i-it wasn't a date!

Sonic: sure.... whatever you say little bro....well I'mma go to bed.... goodnight *goes to his room and closes the door

Tails: *blushes* UGH SONIC!

*and once again Sonic got away with teasing Tails about his crush.....but don't worry Tails will get his revenge! P.S: send me requests/ideas in my conversation board and I'll start making more but I'll need a plot so I know exactly what I'm doing! I'll be sure to put the name of whoever did the request at the beginning of the one-shot!

Taiream One-shot Book 💛💛💛🧡🧡🧡🦊🦊🦊🐰🐰🐰Where stories live. Discover now