The King's Game

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Mua ha ha ha *laughs maniacally* I'm so evil I giggled while writing this!

I flinched at the word servant, watching as Toddy's cheeks turned pink while her eyes glared at the hashbrowns. I felt myself bristling in defense of my friend even though I knew he did not mean it in a derogatory way. Shifters often bought human contracts and did use them as servants where he was from. It still tasted like shit on my tongue.

"She has a name and is not a servant here. There is no contract to buy," Kinnut replied in a clipped tone, swelling with offense. He seemed just as angry for my friend as I was. He could have been like other nobles and not blinked at the request as though it was perfectly normal to trade living, thinking, people like furniture. "If she would like to work for you, for the same pay and care she receives here or better, then that is her decision."

Brown eyes lifted to mine and we communicated how we both felt at that moment without words. Saint's yellow orbs jumped between us, observing everything and trying to piece together why I had involved myself without being rude.

"I agree to this. You will come with me then?"

Toddy swallowed and there was a long, tense moment while she decided. Then, she lifted her chin. "No, thank you. I don't think you can offer me what I'm looking for. If you will excuse me."

Just as I suspected, her words had a double edge and Saint growled low, fingers quick to snag her elbow as she turned to leave.

"Release her," Kinnut rumbled, drawing another deep snarl from the agitated wolf, unused to being rejected. I tensed up, ready to throw my body between them if needed, but I was also aware of the hall quieting. "Immediately."

Saint did not obey his command, but his muscles shook in protest as Kinnut's magic uncurled his grip against his will. Fur began to sprout around the exposed part of Saint's chest where his shirt buttons were open and his fangs lengthened as he displayed them to the king.

A tall female appeared, her hair the same deep brown and pinned at the nape of her neck. Her eyes were yellow, like her brother's, and she had the same bowed mouth, but a smaller nose and different cheeks. "Enough," she commanded, taking hold of her brother's hand. Her gaze darted between the three of us, remorseful and embarrassed. "Please, please accept my apologies, Sire. My brother had too much to drink last night and I fear the headache has made him rather cross. We are leaving now."

From my angle, I saw her claws lengthen and sink into his forearm, hidden from Toddy and Kinnut's view. This seemed to sober him slightly and he took a last long look at my friend before he dipped his head toward the king. Mera moved to put herself between Saint and Toddy, forcing him to step away.

"Is there a problem?" Bernard's deep voice almost made me jump as he appeared from nowhere.

"Not at all," Mera smiled sweetly. "We were just saying goodbye."

She pushed her brother stiffly to the front door, Bernard trailing them watchfully.

I gave Kinnut a grateful glance and hurried to Toddy, taking the heavy dish from her trembling hands so she could have the empty tray. We left the hall and moved quickly into the dining room without another word, having caused a small scene already.

We moved to the large buffet to the side that the serving staff was using to deliver meals to the waiting guests while others, usually the more voracious shifters, served themselves extra helpings. She lifted the near-empty hashbrown pan from the large chafer and I placed the new one inside.

"What was that? And don't tell me you don't know, because there was something going on," I whispered. "Did you go visit his room last night or something?" Instantly, I regretted my teasing tone when she turned her miserable face toward me, eyes brimming with tears. "Bells, Toddy! What's wrong?"

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