Chapter 61-65

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Chapter 61 Go beat someone up

Although she couldn't go to see the house with her, before Cheng Man and the others went out, she repeatedly told them to go home after seeing the house. Even if they couldn't see the house for the first time, she still wanted to hear the first-hand news.

Therefore, the two of them did not go back after leaving Qian's house. Instead, they went to the Machinery Factory Workers' College.

Before entering the yard, Cheng Man stopped Lu Pingzhou and told her, "Don't tell your parents what happened just now. Just say that the house is not very good and the asking price is too high."

Lu Pingzhou knew that she didn't want her parents to worry, so he nodded. Said: "Okay."

Because they were thinking about the house, Wang Qiumei and his wife didn't go out in the afternoon, so they waited at home. When they heard the noise, they came out and welcomed the young couple into the house. The first words they said were: "How does the house look?" "

Cheng Man shook his head and sighed: "Not good."

Wang Qiumei asked, "Is the house bad?"

Cheng Man hummed and said, "It's too old, the roof is leaking, and the walls and floors can't be seen.

" The asking price of the house owner is also high, and the maintenance fee and decoration fee are not very cost-effective."

Wang Qiumei was a little disappointed, but thinking about it, it was normal. "These days, every household has no place to live, and few have empty houses, so then. If you don't even need to look at the big house, you can tell it's not good.

"That's right," Cheng Shuwei said. "If the house is really good, the family won't be able to live in it. If you rent it out, you can still collect monthly rent."

Although they can get some money from selling the house, the couple both feel that they will make money if they sell the house sooner or later. In this case, it is better to keep the house and make money from it.

So when they heard Cheng Man talk about it, although the two of them were happy, they couldn't help but murmur, wondering what the landlord was thinking and why he wanted to sell the house.

Now they have figured it out. The house is too dilapidated and the maintenance cost is high. Even after repairing such an old house, they may not be able to rent it out. Even if they rent it out, the three-year rent may not be able to cover the maintenance cost.

It's not worth it!

Wang Qiumei said: "If you ask me, it is unreliable for you to think about buying a house. Who is willing to sell a good house? 80% of those who are willing will have all kinds of problems like today. You should just rent a house then, anyway. You only need to live for a year. The conditions don't have to be very good. It only needs about ten square meters. When the child is born, I will bring it to you. If you feel that the family home is far away, you can stay at home at night. Pingzhou will also come and live there. This can save some money."

"We have considered everything you said, but it is still early. We just want to take a look now and buy one if there is one suitable. If not, we will buy one in the second half of the year. Consider renting a house."

As for Wang Qiumei's idea of ​​letting them all live here in the future, she doesn't think it's reliable.

It wasn't that she was worried that her mother would change her mind, but that her room was too small. The bed was too crowded for both her and Lu Pingzhou, and it couldn't accommodate a child.

Moreover, a newborn baby looks small, but there are a lot of things that need to be prepared. Clothes, diapers, and bath cups all need to be separated, and they may also need to be fed milk replacer powder.

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