Chapter 146-149 (end)

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Chapter 146 Li Chunhua

When leaving the train station, the three of them, Lu Pingzhou, walked together, with Cheng Cheng jumping in front and Cheng Man holding Li Chunhua behind.

After observing closely, Cheng Man found that Li Chunhua's foot problem was more serious than she thought. It was definitely not just a fall in the middle of the year.

To put it simply, a broken muscle and bone can heal almost completely within a hundred days. If you fall in the middle of the year, how can you still have difficulty walking after half a year?

The injury Li Chunhua suffered from a fall would at least be a fracture.

But she and Lu Pingzhou didn't receive any news about this matter. They always thought that Li Chunhua and Father Lu were in good health.

However, judging from the current results and looking back at what happened half a year ago, it is not without some strangeness.

First of all, when Lu Pingyang returned to Kuncheng after finishing his classes last year, he mentioned that he would come to Jiangjiang to play this summer, but he did not mention it after the college entrance examination this year.

Just after the college entrance examination, Cheng Man asked Lu Pingyang on the phone if he wanted to visit Laijiang during the summer vacation. At that time, he agreed very well, but he changed his mind within a few days and said that he had found a part-time job near home and could not come. .

Secondly, during the time when Lu Pingyang said he couldn't come to Linjiang, when they called the Lu family, the person who answered the phone was either Lu Pingyang or the family's nanny, and occasionally Lu's father. They asked if Li Chunhua was there, and the answer was that she was out and not at home.

Because it was never too late every time they called, it was not unusual for Li Chunhua to visit other people's homes at that time, so they didn't think much about it.

Thinking about it now, Li Chunhua might have had an accident during that time and was admitted to the hospital.

Just thinking that Li Chunhua didn't seem to want to talk more about this matter, Cheng Man didn't express his suspicions and just supported her and walked out chatting and laughing as usual.

Because all three of them had eaten lunch, and Li Chunhua and Lu's father were older and physically exhausted after sitting on the train for two days, they did not go anywhere else after leaving the train station. Lu Pingzhou drove directly to the family home.

After leaving the train station, the jeep quickly drove to the main road on the other side of the river.

During the drive, Cheng Man kept introducing Li Chunhua and his wife where they were outside, and also told them what attractions or food shops were nearby.

Li Chunhua and Father Lu listened to her introduction and looked outside while responding.

Suddenly, Father Lu made a sound, pointed to a house on the roadside and asked, "Is that the tutoring class you run, Xiao Cheng?"

Cheng Man looked in the direction Father Lu pointed at, and there was indeed a house on the roadside with a morning star hanging on it. Looking at the tutoring sign, Cheng Man said with a smile: "Yes, this is a new branch opened this year."

"It looks quite big."

"This one is relatively large, with more than 20 classrooms in it."

Father Lu Asked: "How many students are there in more than twenty classrooms?"

"About two thousand."

Li Chunhua said in surprise: "Two thousand? Isn't that more than the average school population?"

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