Part 5. Murder Death Kill.

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Death, tragedy, violence, yuri and more.

Author's note. 

While the mc's existance is a singularity,  its not nearly as big as Yoo Joonhyuk's existence or Dojka's to the constellations..

Thus, why there is a lack of comment from constellations who are seeking fun to watch.

Thus, why ... Best girl, monkee, and chuuni wont be seen rn making comments.


Narrator POV.

"Mary-san! Mary San! Look! Look! I did it! I organized Spidey!" 

A five year old child screamed in excitement to the caretaker..

She was the closest thing to a trusted adult he had.

His crimson hair was neatly trimmed and his golden eyes where not hollow, but rather full of excitement and wonder...

"Sure sure young man- wait, what?." The Nun was confused.. the kid didnt have any toys..

The charity had given the kids toys, but they where stolen from Hikaru by other kids.

And so..

Eight legs..

A head.

A torso...

The limbs of a rather large spider where organized on his small desk with a lamp and a bible...

Each limb had been torn off from a spider.

The kid picked up the head with pride, as he displayed it to the caretaker-


Her hand instinctually slapped his small hand away, the kid looked in confusion as he went to retrieve the body of the spider-

"D-DEMON!" The caretaker screamed...

"Demon?.. You mean that there's a demon around?.. Dont worry! I'll protect you!" The small child placed himself in front of the Nun and began to look around for wherever this demon was..


These where the last words Hikaru heard as his head soon was slammed into the desk and he felt blood rushing through his forehead.. it was hot and runny..

He glanced in confusion at the Nun..

Why.. wasnt she a nice woman?.. a woman who served god?.. 

"Miss Mary! Did you not say children where God-given?.. Then why did you do that. It isnt polite at all!" Exclaimed the child as he wanted to hold back his tears..

He began to tug on the Nun's arm..

"H-Help!.. HELP ME!"

From this day forth..

Hikaru learned that there is a part of him he must never let surface..

The part that wished to tear everything apart and share the corpse as a trophy.. For the ones he cared about.


"Karu-Kun. Dinner is reaady!" A sixteen year old screamed as she was literally cooking...

"Have you seen him?" The sixteen year old girl asked another identical sixteen year old who was dismantling the corpse of a bird..

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