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Harvey places his hand on my thigh and I feel my whole body heat up and I turn to look at him his eyes still on the road one hand on the steering wheel.

We are heading to a graduation dinner and I already want to ball my eyes out. 

Okay I am not sad about the learning bit I am so fucking happy I am nearly finished with that.

Well until I have to go to college.

I am just sad about not seeing my friends all the time. Olivia and I are going to the same school but Ave and Bells I won't see them everyday like I usually do.

And Harvey. How the fuck have I gotten so attached so quickly. I can hardly think about it because I begin to feel sick, I hate knowing that we won't be able to see each other all the time.

People might say I am being dramatic and I probably am but I already miss him and I haven't even left yet.

"You okay baby?" Harvey asks stroking his thumb on my leg. "Mhm." I give him a smile. 

"Did I tell you, you look gorgeous?" He reverses into the carpark. "Only a few times." I joke. 

"Well you look beautiful." He kisses my temple before stepping out of the car and opening my car door. 

"What happened to the Harvey that used to try and annoying the crap out of me?" I take his hand stepping out of the car.

"He got to know you." He slithers an arm around my waist.

We walk in and a waiter takes us to a private room with a few long tables and it takes me back to Italy.

I wanna go back so bad.

We take a seat near my friends and the chatter begins to get loud.

"No fucking way Beckett I am beating you next time." Xander crosses his arms. "Your such a sore loser." Harvey says and then turns to me. "This one is also a sore loser, remember when I beat you at laser tag?" He teases.

"Shut up." I slap him in the arm and he laughs picking up his drink. Our food comes and I pick at it while listening and piping into all the conversations.

"1 week till we graduate you ready Mads?" Olivia asks leaning her shoulder on Nate. "Yes and no." I sigh. "I am so ready to fucking leave this hell hole." Bella chips in. "Same but I agree with Mads like we aren't gonna see you guys." Avery says.

"Oh shit stop no." Bella exhales. She gives us a sad look "bro what the fuck why couldn't we just go to the same college?" She sinks into her chair. 

"I know." Avery leans on Xander.

We all sit silently for a second and I can feel Harvey's hands lock with mine and I turn to him and he is already smiling at me. 

How the hell am I meant to leave this. All my favourite people, my family, my friends, Harvey. 

The chatter continues to fill the room while our group sits quietly all thinking.

"Guys come on, I'm sick of you all anyways." Bella jokes sitting up in her chair. "It's not like I am never going to see you all again, we can literally talk and see each other whenever." She continues.

"Your right, heads up everyone we still have the whole summer." Nate says. "Guys you're not going to the same school together. You are fucking best friends and you're going to be 4 hours apart." Olivia says to Nate and Harvey.

Liv has taken it pretty hard she loves her friends so much and is struggling with separating. She still has Nate and I as we are all going to the same school but everyone else is scattering.

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now