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A Month Later...

Not long after Wu Xie's father's death, his mother, who was also hanging by the edge, passed away. Wu Xie was completely broken. People around him became more and more concerned about his health. Wu Xie withdrew himself from all social circles, the media and the world itself. He went into hiding. Nobody was able to find him.

A certain someone panicked and couldn't resist himself from finding Xiao Hua at his mansion. At first, Xiao Hua was surprised to see an unexpected guest. 

"Please, come in." Xiao Hua said, taking in the people right in front of him.

Wasn't the last person I saw with him a bit fat? Who is this now? And who wear glasses even during night time?

"Sorry to trouble you at this moment. But..." Zhang started, Xiao Hua knew what he was about to ask.

"No idea, we've been looking for him for last two weeks now. It's a first for us all too. At first, we always found him, no matter where he hid himself. But this time, even all the men from the Wu's and Xie's combined can't find him." Xiao Hua explained, his eyes staring at the man in glasses every once in a while.

After what seemed like an eternity, Zhang got up and walked to the window, his hands stuffed in his pockets, he looked at the moon shinning brightly. The hood over his head made him look like he was an angel of death coming to collect the soul of the dead. His eyes dark and a few locks of hairs falling in front of his forehead. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before starting.

"Xie Yu Chen, do you believe in rebirth?" 

Xiao Hua was stunned for a  moment, but then calmed and said, "Yes, I do. Why'd you ask?" 

Zhang looked at him turning around, "Because we all have been reborn. I know, I will sound like an idiot right now to you." Then he turned to look at Xiazi and back at Xiao Hua, "This person here, I brought him for a reason. Take a good look at him, do you remember him?"

Xiao Hua looked at Xiazi and he found him very familiar. Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes, which seemed like he was thinking of something.

"Master Hua, do you... remember me?" Xiazi's voice was like a melody he'd loved and had heard after a long time.

"You..." Xiao Hua said and he got up from his place. He walked until he was right in front of Xiazi.

Zhang and Xiazi were both aware of Xiao Hua's strength. Sensing something wrong, Zhang took a step further, but Xiazi signalled him to stop. Zhang nodded, but never his guard down.

Xiao Hua's hands unknowingly reached up and held Xiazi's face, stunning both Xiazi and Zhang. Xiazi felt his skin burn at the touch. He so badly wanted to kiss the hell out of this man in front of him. This, was the only man who made him lose control as well as his senses.

"What are you doing?" Xiazi's voice brought Xiao Hua back to reality, but he never go of Xiazi's face. His hands reached Xiazi's glasses. As soon as he held the glasses, Xiazi held Xiao Hua's hands by his wrist and Xiao Hua trembled at the touch. The shiver and the change in expressions didn't go unnoticed, Xiazi saw how much they both affected each other.

"There's a reason why I wear glasses. You can't take them off." Xiazi said his voice a bit low andd soft.

"I know, I want to see them." Xiao Hua insisted and ended up taking the glasses off, but Xiazi was quick to close his eyes. 

"Open your eyes, please." The last word from Xiao Hua struck Xiazi's heart. He slowly opened his eyes.

Xiazi's eyes were silvery white is color, not to mention, they had a very special power, but for some reason, the power didn't seem to affect Xiao Hua. Seeing Xiao Hua stand perfectly fine, even Zhang relaxed a bit and leaned against the window facing outside.

Meanwhile, "Beautiful," Xiao Hua voiced his feelings.

"But why do I feel like I already know them. It's like I have been these eyes for my entire life, they're so familiar and..." Xiao Hua trailed off.

"And what?" Xiazi asked Xiao Hua, who seemed to be thinking about something. And then his eyes went wide.

"Zhang, I know one place where Wu Xie can be. In fact, I am such a stupid, I am his brother. I should've thought about that place first. Come, let's go, Xiazi, Zhang." Xiao Hua said and rushed out of the room grabbing his keys.

Xiao Hua started driving and soon their car made it's way into the woods. The road was through the forest with huge tree lining both the sides and a carpet of leaves and flowers on the road. As they kept going in, they came face to a small house. 

Xiao Hua stopped and got out, along with Zhang and Xiazi. All three of them made their way to the front of the house. But quickly their hopes went down the drain as they saw the big lock on the door.

"Sigh, looks like he didn't come here either. This was my only hope to find that fool of my cousin." Xiao Hua's face fell and so did the others.

"What place is this though?" Zhang asked.

"Yeah, it also looks very old." Xiazi said but then suddenly he held a finger against his lips.

"Shh, somebody's here." He whispered and dragged both, Zhang and Xiao Hua around the side of the house. 

Xiao didn't see anyone and he looked at Zhang and Xiazi. It was like they could tell beforehand and hear even the tiniest sound. Xiazi recognised the gaze, but didn't even budge.

Not long after, a car came to a stop and a man got down, behind him a dog got jumped out of the car. They both started walking towards the house and stopped at the car.

"Say baby, who must have found out that I have come here?" The man spoke as if talking to the dog and the dog even replied with a "whoof!" 

Xiao Hua came a bit forward and then saw the man clearly. "It's Wu Xie." He whispered and the others looked at him.

"That dog, if he smells me, he will come around here. F*ck!!" Xiao Hua cursed.

Wu Xie didn't recognise the car. Xiao Hua had atleast 50 cars, how could he remember all of them. Not minding anymore, he walked upto his house and unlocked the lock and was about to open the door, when he heard someone call his name. 

The voice was enough for Wu Xie to stop in place with his heart racing and a cold shiver running down his back.

Zhang felt like if he let Wu Xie go, he might not find him again, so he jumped out the hiding and took a step. He called out his name.

"Wu Xie."

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