Chapter 8

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I walked towards the platform to go back home when Joseph requested that I stick around for a little bit longer. He knows people want me everywhere but I can't be in six places at once. I replied playfully, "I know science will advance one day to make that happen." This made Aaron and Igor start laughing. I said, "I am bored and annoyed. My men are tired. I would love to go back to my penthouse." He asked if I could help weaponize one of the kids. I told him to his face, "I weaponized my abilities because I had no other choice. These children will not suffer as I did." The parents concured. Which I was thankful for. I made it clear, "If they want to be like me fine but don't ruin someone else life please."

Igor interrupted saying, "We should get back to coffin hotel. We would like to get some sleep and get back to Piedra de la Luna. Abe would prefer that we were on standby there." I linked with Abe and filled him in. Immediately he called, "No pit stops whatsoever. Come straight to Central NOW." Joseph had no option but to let me go. Abe made it clear if they take any samples from me they are screwed. I remembered staying at the capsule hotel. Amy said that the moment the person steps out the capsule sprays the inside with a sterilization liquid so there is no trace. Roland asked me to sneak a peek in her mind to verify. Which I did and she was right.

I connected with Abe and asked if I can run to Central while the others take the train. Abe was scared I will be shot so he said to take my train. I changed into a monster and walked into my train while the others boarded a different train. Aaron was complaining the entire time that I could get hurt. My skin turned into a boney fish scale like texture. This was something no one had ever seen before. Igor pushed Aaron in and the others followed him in. Both trains drove side by side for safety reasons. The landscape changed from buildings to trees and back again. The places looked wonderful. We arrived at Central in about an hour. Aaron had his eyes fixed on me the entire time. He looked like he concerned that I would get attacked. The others stared at me curiously. When we were close to Central I changed back to me.

I got to see why Aaron was concerned. The windows of my bullet train was casino glass which means I can see what is happening on the outside but no one can see what is going on in the inside. I promised to show him how to use his werewolf skills. Anna was waiting for me she was angry with me. Abe was calm and serene. We went upstairs and the council wanted to see everything. I showed them security footage and Anna finally relented. Abe made it clear to Pearl that they better have a new election immediately. A new mayor was needed. Hans was sent to handle it. A new mayor was name Finn called to pledge his allegiance to the council and the Emperor. I begged Abe to be kinder and they won't be our enemies anymore. Abe was friendly with them and so were the council. Finn made sure to broadcast this conversation to the entire city. The animosity that we had disappeared. Finn asked to talk to me. He asked when I will be visiting. I said that I am going to an inspection of the outer walls to ensure the enemies try anything stupid. I usually do this alone. Abe protested that what's his name might show up so he ordered that I go with re-enforcements. Abe made his first order to me as Emperor. I am to go with people for my safety. I told him that I can get the work done by myself but he said as a family member he doesn't like his request being refused. I lowered my head to agree to his terms. Pearl said that they will send the latest gadgets while Excalibur and Umbrella promised send troops.

On D-Day I walked out the door with fifteen men. Five were werewolves, five were vampires and five were humans. I promised to bring them back in one piece. They promised to bring me back in one piece. We walked out and I was about to make myself invisible but changed my mind. I scanned the place to find out which direction I should go. The human scanned the place and pointed towards an opening.

The obstacle we met was zombies in a pit. The plank we had over to cross was removed so it will be a challenge for the others. I told them to huddle together I will carry them to the other side. I told them not to move or they might fall. They intertwined their arms with the person next to them. I levitated and flew over them. I picked up the person in the middle and zipped to the other side. I placed them gently on the ground and did a head count. Once I was certain that everyone was here we walked to the first stopover.

It was a trailer that had a few guns and medical equipment. The men left a few weapons in the trailer. I thought it was a stupid idea but to each their own. We moved on we took an SUV and drove in the direction of the sun. The first thing that Gary did was to asked me to listen for survivors. I extended my senses. I found a convoy on the other side of the city. They were moving in to collect what supplies the city had and move on. They had a tanker truck for oil. The convoy consists of a school bus full of people and they had a van and a functioning ambulance as well. I informed the guys what was going on and they moved forward. The convoy was surprised to see that the city was devoid of zombies. They didn't hear us as we approached. I was the first to speak. I told them that we are not here to harm them we come in peace. They jumped out of their skin to see us. They were happy that others survived. We showed where we were from and the leader said that they just escaped a science facility. They are apprehensive about going with just anybody. Ashford said this rescue group has Sasha in the lead. This made them happy to hear so all of them said they will come with us.

One of them was too excited so I extended my hearing to eavesdrop. Sure enough he called someone in a place called the north ridge to let them know that he has found me. The voice on the other side was annoyed. He asked the guy if he is sure. I had left October behind and disappeared somewhere. People have been sent to find me but they have never returned. So he approached Maxwell and asked if he is sure Sasha is here. So I spoke to the jerk. The man he was talking to burst with excitement. He confirmed that I was Sasha. When his excitement died he told the man to approach me with caution since no one has been able to get a sample of me. His objective was simple. Keep me occupied till re-enforcements arrived to take me to a lab for experiment. What the jerk and I wasn't aware of was that one of the equipment that the guys picked up was a spyware. So they heard the entire conversation. They were contemplating how to expose him to the others. He asked if he should turn off the comms. The man said that he asking all available troops to head our direction. The sun is about to rise. I will summon an army of bats and they are to burn them all so the vampires burn. Sonja growled at him. The vampires were getting ready to UV to protect themselves when I waved them off. They were concerned since the bats would be killed. I connected with Abe and let him know what was going on he immediately called Pearl.

The leader of the survivors asked what was going on. I nod my head and she was allowed to hear the conversation between whoever it was and the creep. One by one the survivors were allowed to hear what was going on. They were pissed to known that the guy they trust was scout sent to find survivors so they can be experimented. These people escaped so they can be used as bait.

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