Chapter 13

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Abe made it an alpha priority that the CIB find these traitors and deal with them immediately. Attaining peace was like walking on thin ice. Half a millennia later there are people who still want bloodshed. I was skeptical at first about the unity of both sides but I had grown to love my new family and it is not about to shatter on my watch. So I asked Abe if I could help the investigation. Everyone screamed their displeasure of my request. They request that I remain safe while they handled things. If things get bad Abe said I can go to the Citadel. The others reluctantly concured. Soren asked that I go to the new resident of Kirigan and Kaz in Piedra de la Luna. It is a Nocturnal only building. This new building is called Bogatstvo. It is Russian for Opulence.

I was escorted under an army of guards. We arrived by multiple bullet trains. Derek couldn't provide enough vehicles so everyone decided to walk. For humans and the nocturnals who don't have my sight all they will see as rows and rows of soldier marching forward. A lot of people noticed it so they started going into a full blown panic attack. They had assume that war had broken out and they should head straight to the underground bunkers for safety. People were screaming as they got out of buildings and vehicles to run. There were pushing and shoving like nobody's business. Charlie started to freak out so I had to calm the people down. I focused on serenity and in no time people started to slow down. One of them approached Maxine. She explained what was going on. The people were so pissed that they asked them to place me in protective services while they go banging on doors. They did a door to door like the soldiers did before during the zombie apocalypse. I know that it had happened years ago but still the memory terrifies me. Jasper gave me a hug to calm me down. Arron stared angrily as I melted into his arms. I took deep breaths as people watch me go into a panic attack. Jasper held on to me as I tried to wiggle my way out of his arms. Some came and stroked my hair. Others said that they will find these individuals and they will pay for it with interest.

I heard people banging on door after door. Explaining what was going on before barging in like it was their grandma's house. The banging echoed all over the place. After what felt like an eternity the search ended with eight menaces arrested. Abe was pleased to hear the result so he ordered the others to do the same. I was taken to Bogatstvo where an eager Kirigan and Kaz were waiting with huge smiles on their faces. The nocturnals were angry to hear that there were those who were trying to break the peace treaty. Moreover they were pissed that there were those that tried to hurt me. Some of them decided to stick around for additional support for the army. The others promised to keep an eye out for trouble as they returned home.

The floor was white marble and it felt cool to the touch. The walls were made look like one piece of gold that was beaten to submission. It had different floral designs either engraved or embossed. The decorations also included marble statues and vintage pictures. The finishing touch was high ceilings and crystal chandeliers every few paces. I was escorted to the Empress suite. The guards waited outside while Jasper carried me inside and tucked me in bed. He caressed my hair before he walked out of the room. Aaron politely asked him to go back to his girlfriend and let others take care of me. Jasper told him that Aaron is not my type. In fact Jasper is my type. Oleg asked them to stop the cock fight and focus on my safety. Igor said fight club can be activated when I go back to the penthouse. Both shook hands like adults and walked their separate paths. It took three days before all clear was given and Kirigan insisted that I use my abilities on his guests in case there was a straggler. I made a face that made Jasper laugh merrily. Abe gave his consent and I used my gifts. The traitor was pulled out of the crowd and Abe asked Jace to escort the couple to CIB.

When I got back home there was a nocturnal couple outside the apartment complex. They demanded my room saying that their daughter deserves it more than me. She was born a hybrid while I was made. They asked her what she can do. They if she has an internal radar system that can help detect the presence of zombies. The answer was no. They asked if she can command both nocturnals. The answer was no. They asked if she can fly the answer was no. They asked if she can fight. The answer no so the couple was told to go back to Pearl where they belong and let Alpha predator me live my life in the imperial suite. The girl maybe hybrid but she is not fit to rule or live here. They were escorted to a cab that took them to the platform where a helix took them back to Pearl.

I was escorted to my home and Oleg requested permission to allow Aaron an hour to clear his issue. It took me a minute to remember the fight club invitation and I waved my hands to say go ahead. He walked happily towards Jace as Igor laughed at my surprise reaction, "I am working with children" Serena reminded me that I am child too. I told her that I may have the body of a teenager but there are things that even I would avoid thinking it is stupidity. This is another level of childish behavior. She wanted to disagree but when Aaron and Jace started talking strategy she quickly turned to me and said, "One day you will upgrade to man problems" I mumbled, "If you find a man please let me know. I want to be first in line" Both men stared with a blank face as my older security laughed openly. Both Aaron and Jace gave me the look of death as they remembered my remark but I didn't say anything. All I did was take a bath. The new ones kept a straight face till I disappeared from sight and they started to laugh freely too.

I was invited to the Opera house for the ballet show but I also had an invite to a charity ball too. So I had to make the difficult choice and asked the ballet company if I can go the next night. They seemed flexible. I walked into the charity and the host introduced me. People got up and clapped to show their appreciation. I scanned the place for any sort of problems and sat in my seat. There was a bidding war for artifacts found in abandoned cities. I wasn't interested in any of them so I just observed the entire thing. One of the hosts requested that I bid for something so I bid for an Armoire. It had a fade jade painted that was peeling here and there. I was told that it will be restored to it's former beautiful state and sent to my penthouse in a week. I told him to take his time. I am in no hurry. When it was time to go home we took a moment of silence for those who didn't make it here to Tsar. Igor drove me home. I saw that there was someone yelling at the doorman to let them in.

I should have braced for drama as the couple from a few hours ago had arrived again for round two. I walked past them without paying attention. But somehow they sensed my presence and kept calling for me. I turned and I asked them why they were here. The man smiled, "I want you to teach my daughter to be like you so you can step down as Queen. You can go to the border as a soldier and she can rule Tsar." This made the doorman and the others residents walking to stop and stare at him like he had lost his mind. I told him that I won't do it. He can train his daughter to do what he sees fit but don't come asking me to do such things. I weaponized myself out of necessity to protect my loved ones. There is no logical explanation for why she is doing this for. The doorman called Derek and he spent ten minutes swearing before he called Abe. Abe ordered the family to go home as no one in their right mind would replace me since I am the descendant of the original vampire and werewolf. I may have turned but that doesn't make me less. This was news to them so they apologized to Abe. Abe brushed off their apology stating that if they want her to be something. Have her be Mayor of Pearl but do not ask to take my place. No one would agree to it. Abe's orders were simple. The family had an hour to go back home or they are under arrest. They walked back to the cab with a sullen expression.

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