Chapter 9

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The survivors all agreed to incapacitate him and get going. Abe gave the orders and the laboratory was tracked using the scout's own ear piece and it was located within twenty minutes. Abe asked me to extend my senses to keep the others safe. He is sending a helix for the survivors. I told him that is not necessary I am going sift out any more of those scouts. Abe gave the orders to find out where the lab is so he can have them blown out of the sky. They locked on the target and sent a missile to level the place. The first one was destroyed but the idiots were not aware of was that Abe had sent over a dozen missiles. The second one got through a layer of protection. Ten more later the facility was rubble with zero survivors. The traitor was talking to command when it went boom. He had to pull out the ear piece because all he was hearing static. He turned to see a very angry group of survivors.

I extended my senses because I suddenly remembered that there are those who work for the bad guys are coming. They were about an hour away. I informed my men and one of them said that the sun was rising. The traitor said to use bats so they can be exterminated. I felt something primal wake up in me as I did a trick I learned from watching a weird dracula movie. I saw from the reflection of Adam's sunglasses that my eyes started to glow red. The sky was clear but soon clouds started to form. The entire horizon was blocked with clouds. Soon thunder rumbled. One of them asked if I was doing this and I nod my head. Soon it felt like it was raining thunder. I told the guys to get in the vehicles and get going. One of them asked what to do with the traitor. The leader of the survivors shot him in the head and everyone got in their respective vehicle.

They stopped at a gas station and refueled before they drove with us. I showed them the slightly longer route to get to Excalibur. When we arrived at our next spot I said that we were a hop, skip and a jump away from a survivor camp where we have been living. The others almost opened their mouth but somehow they understood that I was trying to remove the spy. So they played along. One of the survivors asked how far we were and I showed them a fake location. We were going through there before we end up in Excalibur.

When we got there werewolves were waiting to play along. The one who asked too many questions tapped his ear and gave the location of the survivors and the woman shot him in the head. I asked her what her name was and she said her name was Claire. Zeb took the ear piece of the corpse and triangulated where they were. The guys who were going to capture us didn't hear a single word he said because there was so much static and also the thunderstorm was causing a lot of interference. The wolves were laughing when they realized that he exposed himself and there's gonna be no back up.

Once I was sure that the coast is clear I took them to Excalibur and switched off the storm. When they got inside they were quarantined. Claire was shown why this was happening. One of the survivors showed signs of experimentation so he was sent to Sterile for examination. The others were sent to Moonstone after the guys detonated an EMP. They wanted to be sure there no more spies. They all started to weep when they saw the how the others were living. Normal and vertical farms were made to feed the nation. They realized that they won't have bury a friend a day. Or move from one place to another like a bunch of gypsies. Claire was made mayor of Moonstone. I went outside again. This time only with werewolves and humans.

We moved towards the west and found ourselves in front of a zombie hoard. I used my shield and it worked. I was scared that these new ones would be immune to my shield but thankfully they weren't. We moved with relative ease. I did a once over where I scan the nearest to the ar for potential threats. I saw a different sort of zombies and I realized that I just had to jinx this trip. I saw the intelligent ones. They still look grayish green and pastey, wrinkled and they have wispy white hair. Their teeth looked like it had been filed down to resemble crocodile teeth. They used to be immune to my shield but now they are not. Whenever they see me with someone they will follow us till we split up then they will cause trouble. Personally I want to find out which moron invented these beasties. When I do I will make their deaths painful. I mean nobody in the history of humanity would have suffered as he would suffer. He will wish he was never born.

Adam saw me make a face and demanded an explanation. I told him that there is a type of zombie that has retained some of its intelligence. So it uses it to trap people. Fun fact they were immune to my shield till I figured out how to keep them away. They are watching us with interest. Which means they are waiting till we split so they can create havok. They promised to stay together till we were home sweet home. The humans kept their eyes peeled in case one these things jump on us. But what popped out was a giant worm. This thing opened it's mouth and eel like appendages came out. It grabbed a few zombies and dove back in to the sand like it was a swimming pool. I realized we were near a sinking field. This place was otherwise known as quick sand terrain.

I told the guys to take a different direction so they did. Soon we heard motorcycles and I knew that our troubles has begun. Sure enough the zombies in their dozens came driving motorcycles. Behind them was a zombie on an all terrain vehicle that had a machine gun mounted on top of to it. He started to fire at us. The bullets bounced off our SUV. I told the driver to turn to the sinking fields immediately. He made the turn and those idiots (I mean intelligent ones) followed us. One of them pulled out a bazooka and fired. He had terrible aim he missed us by a few feet. I knew that the best thing to do was drive faster. Gabe asked me to extend my shield so they will leave us alone. So that's exactly what I did. The distance between us became thirty feet. Then I tried to calm them down before I convinced them to turn in a different direction. I tried to think of a way to get these things off us. They sped up to catch up with us and suddenly a few large worms popped up. They ate the zombies and nearly tipped us over. We knew we had to find a new safer way back home. Aaron had come with me so he made sure to inform Excalibur about the huge worms.

We drove till we reached new territory. This place was a town with the buildings made of sticks. A single match is enough to burn this place to the ground. They had food but it was scarce. They were concerned that we were raiders that come annually to steal their food so they can survive. I showed them where we were from and they said to stay for a few hours while they make a decision.

True to their words raiders arrived but this time I handled them with pin point precision. No invader survived. The humans raised their weapons and the others explained what was going on. These humans said that the zombie apocalypse happened because the humans tried to turn nocturnals into humans again. We told them that we have built a city of peace and we are looking for survivors so they can have a peace of mind too. They saw how advanced our weapons were and took our word for it. One of them wanted to know why we still had weapons. I explained that those that created zombies are creating newer and more horrific versions every year. So we are trying to protect our city while we find them and stop them. Meanwhile we travel from place to place to find people to offer them sanctuary. The town had fewer people and food was scarce. They knew if they stay those raiders will send more people to kill them. One way or the other if they are here they would starve to death. So they agreed to come with us.

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