The First Break

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After the movie credits ended, the light turned back on.

"All right, that concludes our first viewing of the Kamen Rider series. We will take a short break in between so everyone can rest up." The manager clasped his hands. "The refreshment bar still serves a variety of food and drinks, and the restroom is in the back for anyone who needs to relieve themselves."

"So, Yuji-kun, what do you think of the movie?" Gojo turned to face his pink-haired student.

"It was so peak." Yuji said, wiping his teary eyes. "Hongo was so like me, for real."

"Geez, no need to get all sentimental." Nobara scoffs. "The film was fine, especially Ruriko, who I believe is the best character in the cast, but you are exaggerating it."

"I thought it was a good watch. It has flaws, but I genuinely enjoy it." Megumi said with a faint smile.

"As for me, I give it a solid 8/10. Would watch again, if possible. Also, plus 0.5 for making my boy Megumi here smile." Gojo said jokingly. Megumi threw a punch at his face, but it was stopped by Infinity.

"Oh Oum, my butt is all sore. I think I need to take a walk." Yang said.

"Me too, sis." Ruby groaned.

"Maybe a little exercise could help you guys." Blake said.

"I would need that. My back is aching right now." Weiss stretched her body.

"Denji-kun? Are you all right?" Makima spoke to the scruffy, blond hair boy. He was so engrossed in the film that he did not even realize it was over until Makima's soft voice woke him up from his trance.

"Oh, uh, Miss Makima. I'm sorry, I didn't know you called me." Denji flustered.

"Was the movie that good?" Makima giggled.

"Yeah. I think so." Denji replied, rubbing tears in his eyes, still preoccupied with the film's ending.

"I see." Makima thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Despite maintaining a blank expression for the majority of the film, the film manages to make her shed a tear in a few moments. Of course, no one noticed, as it would taint her reputation.

It still amazed her how the film was able to instill such powerful emotion in her. Devils are, by definition, fundamentally opposed to humans, but she cries for the man on the screen, who doesn't even exist in her world. It was unusual and beautiful, and she must make sure that they will be preserved. No "bad "movies" will exist under her control. Her plan will succeed, no matter what it takes.

"Yawn~ I'm bored, can we get something to eat?" Power paid little attention to the film after the first five minutes, only occasionally looking up to watch the fight scenes. Being forced to sit in one place for two hours is simply not for her. She would rather dunk on the bar, but she was the only one there because everyone else was too engrossed in the movie, so she decided to stay until the end. Needless to say, she was overjoyed to be free.

Aki did not say anything, but he enjoyed the movie. However, most of the time he was keeping an eye on Power to ensure she did not do anything stupid that would get them kicked out of the theater.

"THAT. WAS. THE. BEST. MOVIE. EVER!" Amber shouted excitedly.

"Having fun, girlie?" Kaeya asked.

"Oh yes, Kaeya. This is the best movie I have ever seen. Everything is just so good—the character, the action, the visual, the music, everything! Oh my god, she just loves everything about the movie."

"Come on, Amber, it's only the first one. What if the next one changes your mind?" Lumine laughed at her friend's overly enthusiastic behavior.

"Until that happens, this will be in my top 5." Amber said cheerfully.

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