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CHARLIE GOT A MESSAGE FROM HAWK, asking her to come over. She had no clue what he wanted, but she hopped on her bike and made her way to his place. Within seconds of knocking on the door, Hawk swung it open.
To her surprise, his usual Mohawk wasn't there; his hair was down. Charlie couldn't help but stare at it, it looked so good down.
"Your hair," Charlie pointed out, as she entered and closed the door behind her. Hawk nodded and handed her a box of hair dye.
Confused, Charlie looked up at him and waited for an explanation. "I need you to dye it for me. My cousin did it last time, but he's on vacation."
"What about your girlfriend?" Charlie asked, glancing at the instructions on the box. "Can't Moon do it?"
"She says she doesn't trust herself, and I've seen you dye your mom's hair before, so please," Eli pleaded, dragging out the last word for emphasis.
Rolling her eyes, Charlie reluctantly agreed. "Fine, come on then."
The two of them ran up the stairs and into the bathroom.
Charlie grabbed the bottle of hair dye and began reading the instructions, grateful that they weren't too complicated.
"Okay, sit down." she instructed Hawk. He sat crisscrossed on the toilet seat and she began working on his hair.
Starting from the back, Charlie worked her way to the front, gagging at the smell. She ended up staining her clothes and hands, now regretting not using the gloves.
"You ever gonna go for a natural Mohawk?" Charlie asked as she applied the final strip of dye.
Hawk shrugged, his gaze fixed on her as she worked on his hair. "Ah, I think the colors look better."
Charlie nodded, completing the last strand. She put the box away, even though there was still some dye left. "You should put a bit of red in yours. We can match." Hawk suggested.
Charlie wanted to do it so badly, but she hesitated. That was something couples or best friends that weren't in relationships; hawk was, "I think I'll pass."
"Why? It'd look cool," hawk tried to convince her, but she shook her head persistently. "Why don't you do it with Moon, yeah?"
"Right," hawk nodded, his gaze dropping as they fell into silence.
Charlie returned the box to the cupboard, only to spot a ladybug struggling to escape. "Oh my god! Look!"
She gently let the ladybug crawl onto her hand before showing it to Hawk. "You guys are matching."
He glanced down at her excitement over bugs, confused at how such a small thing could bring her so much joy. "Oh yeah, but I think I look cooler."
"No way," Charlie exclaimed as she opened the window and released the ladybug. "She outshined you big time."