Chapter VIII

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Every Saturday, Sevangelina have two classes in general subjects she needs to take for this second semester. One of them is mathematics. In Petersburg University. It is part of their curriculum to constantly increase their student's knowledge in mathematics regardless of their majoring courses. While Sevangelina is in campus taking her classes. Meanwhile, Dean is in his condo working on in an assignment for one of his classes. His phone have been ringing multiple times for the whole morning and he continued to ignore it. It was Jane his stepmother who have been calling him since yesterday. Dean is also not replying back to her messages nor reading it. Even though Dean is not her real son. She genuinely treats him like her own. Ever since Dean's mother died when he was 14 years old she's the one who look after Dean. She would always cook for him and with many patience she continue to be nice and love him as a son despite how Dean hate her. Moreover, his father's number is not even save with a contact name although his father rarely contacts him as well because he knows Dean has a grudge towards him. Dean never talks to his father after the death of his mother.

Unread Text Messages
Jane (22)
0917734**** (4)

New Messages
[ Jane : After your class on Valentines Day come home for dinner. ]


When Dean was 8 years old, his mother and father are already often quarreling. They only act as if nothing is wrong even though Dean would sometimes hear them raising their voices angrily at each other. He usually catch her mother crying but when she see him. She would always quickly dried her tears and smile at Dean showing that she is alright. One time, his father was furious towards Dean because his grades are not high enough.
"I said you must keep your grades high. You are studying in a prestigious school and I work hard to provide you this education. Now, I will see this!" He scolded Dean angrily shouting at him. His mother tries to calm his husband and stop him from yelling at Dean.
"From now on you are not allowed to play when you get home after school. You must keep on studying to get things in your head and be top in your class! Even that stupid piano! I don't wanna see you getting near that piano. I don't wanna hear you playing it!" He said.
"And you, stop teaching our son playing that piano. Because of that our son is getting behind in his academic life! It won't provide him a prosperous life in the future so stop that nonsense." He said to his wife.
"Nonsense!? You told me back then that it was one of the most special thing that you love about me and now you think it's stupid! Your son's grade is not low. You just have that standard that's pressuring him so much! He can't enjoy his childhood because of you. He's doing a great job at school even along with learning how to play a piano. I was the one who is constantly and always there for him at school. You don't know a thing! You didn't even know he won 1st place in a math and science quizbee. He even had his declamation last week that you didn't attend to even watch him. I heard and saw him perform. He did very great. He loves piano just like me. Why can't you understand and admire that!" She said and got mad then they started to argue. Dean in the middle who is crying and hearing all those went out of his room leaving them there. He ran away going outside their house. Bobby saw him and immediately ran after him. Dean could not be able to go out far because there is a secured tall gate one hundred meters away from their mansion. With the heavy rain outside there is also his tears continuously falling down from his eyes carrying a pain heavier than the rain.

Bobby holding up a big umbrella saw Dean crying, sitting on the bench in the open garden, and soaking wet because of the rain that is continuously pouring. He positions the umbrella to cover him and said, "Did you know that rain can wash away any negative feelings. I do that sometimes when it rains. But also you could catch a fever and colds. Dang! I hate the taste of medicines for that. Would you like to drink that bitterly sour medicine again?" Bobby is trying to make Dean smile. It doesn't seem to work. He did a silly flunked magic trick by pulling his handkerchief assuming it will be like a long endless fabric coming out of his pants' pocket.  Many coins fell down from his pocket. He acted dump and stumbling himself in getting the coins thus as a result Dean laughed a bit and he helped him pick up all the coins that fell on the ground. Bobby ended up soaking wet by the rain as well. It was always like a nightmare for Dean everytime his father would get angry and his parents fight. But a much terrible nightmare soon happens.

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