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I've finally got my official autism diagnosis 😊 The report itself should be sent over sometime later but the phone call this morning confirmed that I did tick almost all of the criteria needed. My partner and I have known basically since the day I started to question it myself but it's just nice to actually have the confirmation, you know?

Anyways! Onto what I've been doing with my Storm DR. I've already passed the point where I learn my electrokinesis, and now I'm planning out the part where we both find out about a mythical rebellion group, and then go off to meet them ourselves. In my DR, it's not until the third year of the Storm appearing that we as mythicals begin to fight back. The Storm was a random event that caught every mythical off guard since most of the mythicals turned by the Storm were Wattpad mythicals that ended up leaving for human lives again, so you can imagine the shock we all had when we suddenly find ourselves thrown into mythical lives after leaving that lifestyle years ago. And anyways, because of this, it takes us all a while to control our forms and then be able to fight back. At the start of the third year, mythical resistance groups begin to pop up slowly and while they aren't big, it does scare the humans. My partner and I find out about this when going into a city one day and begin to head to New York to find them (their base was hidden outside of the city). 

But having a resistance, also means I need to get an idea of who I'm going to meet there, and trying to figure out six different people I have to work with and meet is hard 😭 I'm not the best when it comes to people, and even with friends, I don't do well, so this has been an experience trying to build these 'characters' up and make sure that I actually feel comfortable around them. Lets just say I can do worldbuilding like its no problem but when it comes to building up people that I meet in my realities? Not my thing LMAO. 

Anyways, it's time to get our ferrets out so I'm ending it here lol.

-Song Xue

Mythical Journal- Mythical Progress and Storm DRWhere stories live. Discover now