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A young teenage girl made her impact in Meta-Brawl for being a bloody nightmare within the ring and backstage. The teenager dealt with insults and name calling that she put actions rather than words on her haters inside the ring. She showed them what she can really do by her moves and won herself many opportunities that led to getting pure gold on her waist.

As she deals with school above the surface, this teenage ravenette was quite popular every single year of her life within intermediate prep and high school. She got herself a nice car at her sweet sixteenth birthday bash with her ID card and driver's license, found her a private home fit for her and her boyfriend from Atlantis, and won prom queen while her lover was chosen by anonymous vote to become her royal king at the homecoming dance. The couple left to spend their time by themselves at home, where they have their backyard pool and spent it quite well without any disturbances.

Before she was this, the raven-haired tomboy wanted to be a hardcore rockstar and was a true fan of heavy metal music. Unlike her mother, she got grit and edge from head to toe with biker clothing...she swore to never wear royal dresses, high heels, princess tiaras, and chose to be herself. Her grandmother's expression was horror when the gothic tomboy showed up in her newly turned hero suit and was wearing everything that's black rather than white.

The couple did change from head to toe during the two in a half years they have dated in secret. Her boyfriend's parents and his king know about their relationship along with his friends in Atlantis, but her family from Gateway City and Themyscira doesn't at all. Last week was a bit tensed, she told her family the truth and shockingly...they found out themselves through the Eye of Truth to spy on her love life.

Her faithful boyfriend named Kaldur'ahm let her give him an absolutely nice buzz cut and she mentally grieves for his long blond dreadlocks he grew when he was younger. As a natural response, she grew her midnight navy locks of raven black hair to her mid-back and dyed it an long ombre from her natural black hair to dyed electric blue for her reference of her deity heritage before she cut it to the length of her shoulders as payback to make her boyfriend understand the pain of hair loss. That tough girl was Princess Octavia Stephanie Trevor, the blood daughter of Steve Trevor and Princess Diana Prince of Themyscira through the love story between her parents that led to her sacred birth as the Light Avatar for the Spirit World.

Octavia was described as the gritty and edgy version of her mother Wonder Woman on a daily basis, because she was the very first Wonder Girl who soon renamed herself as Valor Girl if she's ready to become her own lone wolf and goes solo with her hero job. The Lady of Redemption was known for many legendary adventures and warrior journeys as the Princess of Themyscira that brought a twilight genesis down hard on deities upon her birth. She fought many wars involving Melidoni people, immortal deities, giant demons, elemental titans, twilight creatures, vampiric monsters, and much more to keep her fellow Amazons and other allies safe that her historic legacy was dubbed as "Princess Xena of Belus: Amazon Warrior Of Death Metal", which gave her the right of being called the Goddess of Fate.

The Bringer of Twilight rode her dark pegasus named Discordia to heavy metal wars, slaying monstrous beings with her white spectral wings and a glowing crescent halo that formed a cosmic portal leading into the Spirit World. Her ancestor Hades watched his descendant kill bad guys that tried hurting innocents with barb-wire boladoras, rode right on the driver seat of an evil monster truck to the World Forge, and claimed the nickname as the Queen of Hell in a hellish armored style with a powered chainsaw connected to her old Lasso of Truth and a horned succubus crown before wearing a long cape with skull shoulder pads...her Deathbringer sword and her electric Underworld guitar strapped on her back while she rode her World Forge motorcycle with a Grim Reaper scythe slashing heads of demons. Man's World thought she'll be wearing a royal princess gown, but little did they know is that she hates being called a spoiled princess and a bratty monarch.

Octavia met the son of her mother's close friend Superman and they became friends. They were just a few weeks apart, knowing Superboy was older than her and never questioned it since people thought they were twins cause they seemed to be compared a lot with each other when it comes to similarities. As Conner Kent/Kon-El, the Boy of Steel has a girlfriend named Megan Morse/M'gann M'orzz aka Martian Girl-Hunter/Miss Martian and this fellow alien girl from Mars absolutely adores Octavia to death, and even let the demigoddess treat her like a little sister. The Amazonian race were more than beautiful female warriors with superhuman strength and immortal superpowers, they were called Themyscira goddesses and their male counterpart of the Gargarean race was called Thalarion gods, and the two races combined are known as Olympian deities worshipping their titans on Mount Olympus while the Melidoni people of incubuses and succubuses lived in Belus Heights.

The ravenette was tall at five foot and eleven inches, slender with a voluptuous frame, has a sizable bust that's fairly large like her buttocks, flawless porcelain skin after losing that tanned caramel tone, built athletic and have well-toned muscles with broad shoulders, well-developed biceps and long curvy legs built with muscle. Megan tends to reach around five foot and ten inches, which was an inch apart between the girls...till they made two new gal pals...Rocket and Starfire. Koriand'r/Kory Anders stood at five foot and nine inches, and Raquel Ervin aka Rocket was at five feet and eight inches...they have slumber parties inside Themyscira where they got used to being trained and the two girls were honored as Amazons.

Octavia saw how Conner was captured and watched Starfire get caught as well. She tried breaking into Cadmus that same day during nighttime with Nathan Davenport aka Breach, but they were caught and put in different wings like their two best friends. Their lovers mourned the losses and swore to bring vengeance for them as young heroes of their generation.




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