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Chapter nine
The death cure

Let's get into it

As I wake up on the cold, hard ground in the dimly lit room, my head throbbing with a dull ache

I immediately notice Minho kneeling down beside a figure on the ground

My heart lurches in my chest as I realize that it's Josie, lying in a pool of her own blood, her body bearing the cruel marks of violence with multiple stab wounds marring her once-beautiful form

"Josie!" I cry out in anguish, my voice breaking with sorrow and disbelief as I rush to her side, dropping to my knees beside her lifeless body

Tears stream down my face unchecked as I take in the horrific sight before me, the reality of the violence and death that surrounds us sinking in with a heavy finality

"What... what happened?" I manage to choke out, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and despair as I turn to Minho, my eyes pleading for answers

Minho's gaze is heavy with grief and disbelief as he meets my gaze, his own eyes brimming with unshed tears

The weight of the moment hangs heavy between us, the silence thick with unspoken accusations and painful truths.

"You don't remember?" he finally speaks, his voice thick with emotion as he looks at me, waiting for an explanation that I cannot provide

"What... no?" I stammer, confusion clouding my thoughts as I struggle to make sense of the nightmare unfolding before me

He remains silent, his expression a mix of sorrow and accusation as he looks at me, the weight of his gaze heavy on my shoulders

"Minho, what happened?" I implore, my voice trembling with fear and uncertainty as I search his face for any sign of the truth

But he remains silent, his words heavy with the weight of a truth that I cannot yet comprehend

"Minho, what happened?!" I cry out, the desperation in my voice rising as I cling to the hope that there must be some mistake

Some explanation that could absolve me of the horrors that now surround us

"You," he finally whispers, his voice heavy with the weight of the truth as he meets my gaze, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and accusation

"What... no? I didn't do this," I protest, the denial rising in my throat as I struggle to make sense of the accusation being leveled against me

"Yes, you did," he says, his voice firm and unwavering as he speaks the painful truth that I cannot bear to hear

"But... why would I"

"Why would i kill her?"

I slowly open my eyes, the world swimming into focus as I regain consciousness

A burning desire courses through me, a primal urge that I cannot ignore

My mind is clouded, my thoughts fragmented as I struggle to make sense of my surroundings.

I look around the room, a sense of unease settling over me as I realize it is completely empty

No chairs, no tables, no cabinets – just stark white walls that seem to close in around me

Panic grips my chest as I frantically search for something, anything that could help me make sense of this strange place.

My heart pounds in my chest as I approach the window on the door, my hands shaking as I reach out to touch the cool glass

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