Chapter 8

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The week-end finished as soon as it started, leaving every students in the world completely bewildered by that. Of course, some of them had a rough week-end. Terrible sleeping schedule, had a small job, or just weren't in a good mood... The reasons for one person to have a terrible week-end could be numerous.

Unfortunately, Y/N was one of them, he barely slept in his week-end. 

He groaned as his alarm made its dreaded sound. 

'Of course, just when I had a good sleep.' 

He angrily turned off the alarm as he got out of bed quickly. The sooner the day was done, the sooner he could go home and sleep. Making his way towards his kitchen, he just took the bottle of apple juice to see that it was close to being empty. He sighed as he turned his attention towards the bottle of milk. Being, too, close to emptiness. He didn't have the energy to be angry, but he sure was annoyed. He put them back in his fridge as his phone vibrated on the table.

Looking at it, he saw that his mom sent him a message. Telling him that he will be alone a bit more as his parents' work was having such trouble and such issues. He didn't even want to respond to the message as he just wanted to skip the day, but couldn't as it was the promise he made at his parents.

So he reluctantly made through his morning routine. As he prepared himself just before his mirror, he could notice that his eyebags were more present around his tired eyes. He didn't care as he could just sleep in all of his classes.

The thought of that was alluring to our tired boy as he finished preparing, taking his school bag and his keys. Just before he exited his house he felt his phone vibrate once again, but this time the message came from the purple eyed girl.

'I forgot about that.' 

Just as he opened the door, he could see Yuri, waiting for him as she just put her phone in her blazer's pocket. 

"Good morning, Y/N." Yuri said with a small smile, Y/N didn't smile back but he waived to her. "Hey." He simply responded as he made his way towards Yuri. Once he did that, he immediately took a left to go towards the school. 

"How are you ?" Yuri asked as she looked at Y/N's face. She took notice about his eyebags the week before, she just thought of it as a past bad sleeping schedule and its remaining. But when she saw his current eyebags, shocked was the good word.

"Good, bit sleepy... you ?" Y/N said as he yawned between words, Yuri chuckled mentally as she saw a new side of the boy. "I am great, although I can't say no to more sleep." Yuri said, returning her eyes on the road. "Relatable." He said as he fought the yawn he wanted to let out.

"Will you be good ?" Yuri asked suddenly as they reached the schoolyard. "Huh ?" Y/N's sound of confusion answered. "You forgot ? He have P.E as the last class." Yuri said, making Y/N's face crumble even more. "Fuck." He only responded as he didn't think of that. He quickly put his bag ahead of him and opened it, only to see he had his sports' gear. "At least I have my things." He said as he closed his bag. "You can say that you are not in condition to do P.E. You can rest at the infirmary." Yuri said, surprising a bit Y/N. She didn't seem to be the person who used excuses like that to ditch. "I'll manage." Y/N said, finding the will to form the smallest smile to Yuri, which took notice of it. She smiled back as they made they way towards their History class.

 During this day, Y/N found himself more and more tired. He sighed as he put on his gear, took a bottle of water with his name on it and soon after, made his way inside the gym stadium. "Y/N ! Over here !" Sayori's voice echoed inside the gym, Y/N looked towards her and walked, only to see that she was with Monika, Natsuki and lastly, Yuri. "I dig the fit." Natsuki said as she threw a thumbs-up. 

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