Friend taking advantage

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A/N: I've done some toxic friend stuff before, which I think is under the chapter name "toxic friend" or something like that. I wanted to complain, and I haven't written for Dabi in ages, so here I go again. I wrote this as platonic but take it how you will

"Oh my fucking god!" you groaned loudly, throwing one of the pillows from the couch towards the kitchen entrance way.

"What the hell?" Dabi exclaimed as he caught the pillow and threw it back at you. "I almost spilled my damn drink"

"Sorry" you muttered, looking at your phone with an irritated expression.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning? You look annoyed" Dabi noted as he sat down at the other end of the couch.

"It's my bff, or at least she's supposed to be"

"Is this the bitch who keeps askin you for money all the time?"

"Yeah, but I wish you wouldn't call her that" you sighed

"What'd she do this time?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"After I moved here, she stayed in our hometown. She keeps guilting me about "leaving her" as if I did it just to leave her and not because I got into school here. It's honestly driving me fucking insane" you threw your phone on the couch between you and Dabi.

"That sounds like a bitch move on her part, so I think callin her a bitch is justified" Dabi shrugged.

"And like, I go to my mom's every now and then, which is like 45 minutes away from where she lives, and she still doesn't come visit unless I pay her gas money. It's like I have to buy her time if I even want to see her. Plus, the last time I was at my mom's place, she was way more excited about seeing my mom's new dog than about seeing me, even though we hadn't seen each other in months" you huffed, leaning back on the couch.

"As I said, bitch move" Dabi burped

"Thanks for your support I guess" you rolled your eyes.

"You don't need my support, you need to vent, and I'm listenin aren't I?"

"Well yeah, but-"

"So keep talkin" Dabi cut you off.

"Fine. You know I'm bad at saying no to people, so pretty much every time she asks me for money, I give it to her, even if I'm not in a super good situation myself. She also kind of abuses that, because she knows I'll pay for stuff so she'll spend time with me. I feel like I'm pathetic but she's my only friend aside from you and I don't want to lose her. We've been friends for almost 18 years, so it's hard to even think about letting go, even if it would be for my benefit"

"So basically, your friend is takin advantage of you, and you just plan on lettin her, even though you knew you shouldn't?" Dabi groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm gonna get a headache from your idiocy"

"Are you calling me an idiot?" you asked, feigning offense

"No, but you're bein dumb as hell right now" Dabi ruffled your hair, just to be annoying.

"Hey, don't be an asshole" you protested with a smirk, trying to push his hand away.

"Ain't that like a definin personality trait of mine though?" he asked, giving up on messing with your hair.

"Well yeah, but I wish you'd aim it at someone else" you rolled your eyes.

"There's no one else around, so... or do you want me to go give your bff a piece of my mind?"

"No, it's between me and her, so I think I need to be the one to talk to her" you sighed. "And I think if you talked to her, she might get on your nerves and end up a pile of ash"

"Eh, maybe" Dabi shrugged.

"Thanks for listening and only being a little bit of a jackass about it" you smiled.

"Well I'm mostly here for your drinks and to hide from the cops but-"

"And there's that asshole of a villain I know" you cut him off and smacked the side of his thigh.

"I do have a reputation to uphold, you know" Dabi grinned.

You just rolled your eyes, but you were still smiling. He was a total asshole sometimes, but he could still be helpful too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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