Dragons 🐉

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Dragons are the most powerful and intelligent Phenomenal Beast in the Destin Universe. Due to their enormous strength and size, they are considered by many in the Revert Side as the rulers of the Earth. Dragons can come in various breeds and capabilities, though in the Middle Ages, they have often been depicted as winged and horned reptiles capable of breathing fire. Eastern dragons are usually presented as wingless and four-legged serpentines with an immense thirst for knowledge. Since these creatures are the pinnacle of sorcery, the only place that can be used as a proper nesting ground for such beasts is the Center of the Earth.

Behavior & Powers

As recorded throughout history in the Phantasmagoric Archives, Dragons have been around since the beginning of time, even being older and more powerful than the three Mediators of Nature. These creatures are able to create sorcery by merely breathing, with each part of their anatomy acting as a magical generator, from their scales and talons down to their lungs. Even baby dragons known as Darkes can power an entire country of powerplants. Because of the scale of mana they need to consume, Dragons will always lay their eggs in the Center of the Earth where mana is always brimming, though there are occasions where dragons venture off their own away from their kind. Dragons will not hesitate to devour anyone who trespasses on their territory wither they be humans, fairies, or even other dragons, though dragons will hardly ever brawl with one another for other than training or mating purposes.

Since Dragons serve as extensions of the planets, they hold a number of elemental affinities and are able to manipulate the forces of nature. Though the element in question varies from breed to breed, depending on the Dragon as well as resilience to their affinities. Scholars who were lucky enough to witness such might have described this sorcery as Dragon Arts and go on to be scaled far stronger than natural phenomenon and Arts produced by magicians. There have even been rumors of Dragons being able to shapeshift as humans to spy on Dragon Slayers. Eastern dragons are much calmer in demeanor than their western kin, with the Phantasmagoric Archives recoding tales of Eastern Dragons sharing their wisdom with Onmyoji.

Resilience of Scales: Dragons' scales are essentially invincible, so much so, that the only thing that can penetrate them are a dragon's fangs and claws or weapons forged from these very scales. Since Dragon scales vary between dragon breeds, some happen to be formed from their elements such as earth, metal, crystals, or gemstones etc. Some can even differ considerably from a traditional scale such as Water Dragons having transparent liquids to camouflage underwater, Sky Dragons having fluffy scales similar to bird feathers, or even Wood Dragons possessing tree like leaves.

Capacity of Lungs: Since dragons can generate mana by merely breathing, their enormous lungs allow them to inhale large quantities of air to spew out their signature elemental breaths. These lungs likewise enable Dragons to consume their signature element from a distance too.

Claws: Dragon claws are viciously sharp and capable of shredding their prey into pieces which is why so many Dragon Slayers hunt down these creatures. Dragons who control an element affinity (specifically intangible ones such as fire and lightning) can touch and envelope said element in their claws.

Dragon Senses: Dragons in general are known for their impressive senses such as sight, smell, and hearing. There's no hiding from one if you walk onto a Dragon's territory.

Heightened Intelligence: Dragons are extremely intelligent; the wisest of Phenomenal Beast in Destin on par with the Espers. They are able to speak the language of all races, including tongues long before the Age of Fairytales and thus are sought by scholars to impart upon them their knowledge, as well as share the world's history with them. Most dragons, however, do not seem to be happy with making contact with races outside their own, as dragons consider many other species to be inferior, hence ignore their existence all together. Some Dragons will even think of lower species as their food sources.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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