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Three months have passed since everything happened with Brandon and Nolan. Nolan is still with Mia even after we kissed. He actually told me he only kissed me because he felt bad for getting me pregnant which in return I slapped the hell out of him and told him to fuck off. I haven't told Mia but on many occasions I almost have to rub it in her face, dumb hoe. As you can see my mood swings are getting a little out of hand, but if you were carrying another human inside of you, you would also flip tables.. yes I did that. Zak is keeping an eye on Mia but she hasn't done anything yet. I wish she would so she could be out of my life forever.

"Hey Cam, we are here." Chasity says softly shaking me out of my thoughts. Everyone is tip toeing around me because they don't know what mood I'm in which I think is completely ridiculous.

"Okay lets go." I say heaving myself out of the car. I have gained some weight but unlike most people I love my belly because it shows the life I am holding inside of me. Speaking of the life inside of me we are at the doctors office to find out the baby's gender.

As we walk into the doctors office I look around for Nolan since he said he would meet us here. "Do you see him?" I ask Chasity making my way over to the check-in desk.

"No I don't Cam." I sigh and walk over to the chairs to sit down until my name is called. "Do you want me to call him?" Chasity asks sitting down next to me. I shake my head no and cross my arms over my belly as if I'm protecting it from all the judgmental glares I'm getting.

"Cameron, the doctor will see you now." A nurse says politely smiling at me. I smile back and stand up with the help of Chasity. "Do you want to come back with me?" I ask Chasity looking around the room one more time to check for the father. "Of course girl, I would've came even if you told me no."

The nurse shows us to a room and tells us that my doctor will be in shortly to check up on the baby. "I can't believe he isn't here." I grumble to myself. It is weird that he isn't here because even though he hasn't been the nicest to me, he actually has been asking questions about the baby everyday and he has been buying neutral things for the baby. Although he has been buying a lot of boy things because he thinks we will be having a boy.

"Hello Cameron, how are you feeling today?" The doctor asks walking into the room.

"I'm fine thanks." I nervously play with my fingers.

"Okay sweetie, are you ready to find out the gender?" He asks as he puts gloves on and pulls a stool close to the bed I'm on. I nod my head and he pulls out the gel to put on my belly. "We warm the gel up before you come in so don't worry about it being cold." As he puts it on the baby kicks. "The little one likes it huh?" He laughs putting the bottle away.

"I guess so." I smile and stare at the door hoping that Nolan will walk in.

"Here we go." The doctor says smiling and putting the ultrasound probe onto my stomach. As he starts to move the probe around there is a loud commotion outside in the hall and then Nolan burst through the door. As I look closely at him I notice his white t-shirt has blood on it and his knuckles are busted.

"Finally." I say giving him the 'we will talk later look.' He winces as he walks towards me and sits on the stole next to my bed. I nod at the doctor to continue and he does.

As he moves it over my stomach a heart beat comes through the machine. "That is your little one saying hello." The doctor says smiling. I look at Nolan with tears in my eyes and he just keeps staring in awe at the screen. "Okay so would you guys like to know what you're having?" I nod enthusiastically and Nolan gulps whilst still staring at the screen. I giggle and wait for the doctor to continue. "You guys are having a healthy baby boy!" The doctor says smiling and prints off pictures of the baby.

I look at Nolan and he looks at me smiling widely. "Thank you so much." He mumbles and grabs my face. "Thank you for giving me my first child." He kisses my forehead. I blush and look away to Chasity she smiles faintly at me clears her throat. Nolan lets go of my face and turns to her. "Thank you for bringing her Chasity, it means a lot." He smiles and takes her into his arms squeezing her.

"Yeah, yeah. You need to treat her better you big douche. She is the one carrying your baby, not Mia." She grumbles slapping the back of his head.

He whispers something to her and she freezes. I frown at them but she recovers and nods at him. Nolan comes back over to me and kisses my stomach and squeezes my hand. "I've got to go, I'll catch up with you later." He grabs a photo of the baby from the doctor and stuffs it into his pocket then walks out.

"What the hell Chasity?" I growl as I sit up and wipe the gel off of my stomach. The doctor looks around awkwardly and hands me the pictures. "I have to check on another patient." He says as he walks out the door.

"Don't worry about it Cameron." She rolls her eyes and takes my hand to help me off of the table. I pull away from her and slowly get off the table by myself. "You're being a bit too stubborn don't you think?"

"Don't worry about it." I say childishly and storm out of the doctors office.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with her." I hear Chasity groan following me outside. This time I roll my eyes and slam her car door as I get into it. "Don't hurt my baby." Chasity says freaking out.

"Fuck off and take me home." I say angrily and turn to look out the window.

"Okay princess, jeeze." Chasity says starting the car and pulls out of the parking lot. As we drive by the back of the building I see Nolan and Zak with a big group of guys. Nolan is in the front of the group talking to everyone.

"Take me over there now Chasity." I look at her narrowing my eyes and give her a 'don't fuck with me right now' look.

"Cam, I can-"

"Now, or I will drive myself back over here, alone."

"Okay, damn." She throws her hands in the air and pulls over to the group. I'm going to kick some asses.

Sorry it has been so long guys. My great-grandma passed away May 1st and I also graduated May 20th from high school so I've been busy.

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Have a good weekend. xx

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