7| Please, I don't want to go

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Billy has not talked to me or even looked at me since I've been here. Not that I blame him. Losing Tommy opened up the heartbreak of losing my mother all over again. And here we are on the brink of a literal war.

"Can't you find her with your mind tricks?"

I look at Steve. It's not entirely impossible. But my telepathy only works so far and if I don't have a slight guess as to where Lorna is then I won't be able to do anything. This is a job for a telepath, not me.

"She clearly does not want to be found. Lorna may not be a telepath but she has the ability to guard her mind form telepaths due to her magnetism."

Sam shrugs turning around to the monitor.

"Would Billy be able to?"

With my help he should be able to. But that's to say if he actually talks to me. They haven't told the Young Avengers of what's really going on.

"He's a child. He shouldn't the involved in this." I say. "He just lost Tommy.."

"You lost Tommy too."

"Not like him."

A twins bond is strong. Tommy had always been Billy's other half. My mother used to talk about the ongoing joke that Maximoff twins were cursed. She was right.

"It's our only option! She could be in trouble, Natalia!"


I walk down the hall to find Billy staring at the wall. I take a deep breath before speaking.

"We need your help."

He doesn't say a word, getting up and walking past me. I go back to the others. Steve is talking to Billy as Sam continues to look at the monitor. I approach Billy, kneeling beside him.

"I know you've never done this before but I'm going to need you to use your mind like you never have before. It's going to hurt but you need to find Lorna."

Billy lays down on the table, slowly closing his eyes. I put my hands on either side of his head, helping him go through the minds of the people around the world looking for her. I close my eyes as he begins shaking and whimpering. I open my eyes back up realizing he stopped moving. A small smile appears on his face before his eyes open.

"Found her."

"Suit up."

The four of us nod. I stare at my old suit with the Avengers logo on it. I put it on, getting adjusted to it. It's been a long time since I've worn it.

I look at Billy's new suit that looks like a combination of Thor and our mothers. I want to smile but there's nothing to smile about. Tommy is dead and now Lorna and Vision are out in the world with someone after the stone in his head.

The four of us board the quinjet, heading for Scotland. Billy sits across the way from me, I turn my head and he still refuses to look at me.

Shortly after we land Steve and Sam begn walking off. I turn to Billy who gets up as well.

"You stay here."


"You stay on this jet, you hear me?"

He wants to argue but ultimately sits back down. I walk behind Steve and Sam as a loud thud is heard.

"We need to split up." I say. "Now."

Steve nods, running off towards a train station. Sam and I go separate directions. I look up to see Lorna flying with Vision before crashing into the train station. I begin running towards the station, bursting through the doors.

this is me trying | s. mccall Where stories live. Discover now