Twenty Eight

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I'd actually spent the next few days with Enzo, he was actually really nice company and the two of us had been texting non stop. He was kind and funny and now that he was sober he was completely different to the Enzo I'd first met at that kook party. Well maybe not completely different but so much better.

Because he was a kook we did end up hanging out at typical Kook spots and as luck would have it we did seem to be bumping into Rafe quite a bit. I was glad to see the negative effect our friendship was having on him. I know he hated Enzo anyways but seeing the two of us as close as humanly possible was driving him insane and I was relishing every single second of it.

"Oh hey JJ." I completely forgot that JJ would be working right now. Enzo and I were stopping by for lunch and as much as I had been enjoying his company I wasn't sure I wanted to introduce him to my friends yet. "Nar what are you doing here?" I never really ate at places like this unless Sarah dragged me along and so I just shrug. "We were just gonna grab some lunch. J this is Enzo and Enzo this is JJ." Enzo holds his hand out instantly and smiles his big charming smile. "Nice to meet you man." JJ looks between us and smirks, "oh this is the famous Enzo?" He teases making Enzo raise his brows at me and smile a smug smile. "Famous? You been telling your friends about me?" He questions making me roll my eyes lightly.

"Anyways, what time do you get off? Wanna come over?" JJ nods as he walks us to a table. "I'll let you guys get back to your date, see you later." He winks making me scoff and shake my head lightly. "So I'm guessing you guys are close?" Enzo asks as he sits across from me, "JJ is my best friend. All the pouges are but JJ and I we just... I'd say he's probably the most important person in the world to me."

"Wow." I nod, "I've known him the longest and when my dad died he was just there for me in a way that I can't even explain, we just get each other." He nods in understanding, "I gotta make a good impression on him then?" I laugh and nod, "yeah if you don't get his seal of approval it's bye bye." I'm partly joking, all my friend's opinions were important to me but unless it was something serious I don't think I'd stop seeing a guy if they weren't the biggest fans.

─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───

"How's it going lovebirds?" I chuckle to myself at JJ's question and shake my head. "It was going great before you interrupted." He holds his hands up in surrender after he places our food on the table. "Hey I was just coming with your lunch and to see if Enzo here knew you still sleep with your night light?" I roll my eyes at his silly attempt to embarrass me. "I'm afraid of the dark, sue me." Enzo shakes his head. "There's nothing wrong with sleeping with a night light, especially when you're all alone in that big scary house." JJ looks between us and smiles until we hear what the neighbouring table is talking about.

"Least John B got what was coming to him," I feel a pit in my stomach as I hear those words. "And it saved them the expense of a trial." I grab JJ's hand because I know he's so much more reactive than I am, I also know that this is a good job for him and I don't want him to lose it.

"I'm just saying John B's going to hell for what he did to Sheriff Peterkin." I grit my teeth and shake my head at JJ who had turned back to see the table speaking. "Guys, they're still investigating." Topper interjects after glancing at us. "Yeah, I don't know why. It's obvious who did it."

Once Kelce agrees with her JJ pulls his hand from mine and whirls around at them. "Shut up."


"Shut up, Top!" Enzo and I share a glance, "JJ, just walk away. It's not the time." Topper says as I get up and try to pull him back to our table. "I don't think
we were talking to you, Pogue." Kelce says fuelling him even more. "Shut up Kelce, you guys don't know what you're talking about anyways." Enzo injectes as JJ grabs my glass and starts hitting a fork against it.

"Can I have everybody's attention, please? I have a little announcement to make! My best friend, John B,
did not kill Sheriff Peterkin! Rafe Cameron killed and shot the sheriff in cold blood!" They all scoff in disbelief which is what's to be expected.

"That's what happened."
"Is that so hard for you to believe Kelce?"

"It is actually hard for me to believe because it's always the... the Kook's fault. It's never the Pogue's fault." Kelce replies as they get in each other's face. "Hey come on guys let's just-" Enzo tried to get in the middle of them but JJ grabbed the pitcher and threw it all over Kelce which resulted in the two fighting. Topper and Enzo separate them and JJ leaves after being fired. My heart hurts as I watch him walk out with everyone shouting things at him. "I'm sorry Enz but I gotta go and-"

He shakes his head, "no no of course, go make sure he's okay. I'll see you later." I nod and give him a quick peck on the cheek before following after JJ. "You good?" I ask him after I catch up and he's getting on his bike. "Go back to your date Nar." I shake my head and climb on after him. "Hey, me and you against the world J." He nods and so we throw our middle fingers up at the people still hurling verbal abuse at him before we zoom off, after destroying the flower beds.

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