Twenty Nine

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"Nar! Nar come on we've got to go now." I'm startled once Pope runs into my house and pulls me along with him out to the car. "What's going on?" I question confused once we jump into the vehicle and they zoom off. I'm told all about Gavin having the gun that Rafe used and how Ward was going to meet him now so this was our chance to get proof to clear John B. Oh yeah he and Sarah were alive! We found out at school and that was most definitely the best news I'd ever receive in my life.

So we really had to help prove his innocence now if we wanted he and Sarah to come home. After one of the most chaotic car rides of my life we get to the location. I wish I'd had some warning because I could've dressed appropriately then. I was in my pyjamas and it was absolutely pouring with rain. I was probably gonna catch a cold now.

The four of us climb up onto the roof opposite the building site that Ward and Gavin were meeting in. Pope has his camera up and ready as we crouch there in the rain. I can't see very much, none of us can aside from Pope who narrates what he can see. He tells us that Ward has the gun and then a few seconds later we see Ward turn and shoot Gavin. We all duck down with gasps, what the fuck?

"I think we should go right now. Pope you have enough right?" JJ asks and Pope agrees so we're about to leave until Ward comes out and so we all halt and watch him some more. He crouches down on the ground sticking his arm down the drain we assume that's where the gun went and what he's looking for.

"What is wrong with you?" I whirl around in shock once Kie has started yelling. What is she doing? "Murderer!" JJ covers her mouth and pulls her down as I cover my face in disbelief. Why would she do that? He runs as she tries to continue shouting and we all try and get her to stop.

"Guys he sees us." Oh fuck we start descending down the ladder when Kie steps on JJ's hand which makes him kick pope in the face and the two of the drop to the ground, the camera shattering in the process. We sprint to the car where Kie calls the cops and I just sit in shock as they all yell over each other. What was going on?

She zooms off and I sit in silence for a few more seconds before I can't help myself. "Take me home." They all turn to me in confusion. "I need to go home. Take me home." JJ grabs my hand from beside me. "You okay Nar?" I don't say anything for a minute but I nod. "I just- I need to go home. I can't do this right now." He nods rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

"You want us to come in?" Pope asks. I nod and then shake my head. "No you guys gotta carry on. I'm sorry I-"

"Oh hey Nar come on don't cry."
"It's okay, don't worry."

The three of them reassure me that it's fine and for me to go and get some rest before they finally leave. I trudge back to my house still dripping, still silently crying as I try to make sense of everything going on right now. We just saw Gavin die and for all we know Ward could come after us next.

After my shower I start to feel a bit better, I get some fresh pyjamas on and under my covers but I still toss and turn. I can't sleep it's been hours and I can see the sun coming up already.I just feel so unsure about everything I feel so unsafe and uncomfortable I just want someone to be here with me right now.

I hear light taps on my window which makes me sit up, I assume it's JJ and I start feeling better already. I open the door to see he's not out here. "Nara!" I hesitate in the doorway before fully stepping outside and seeing Rafe stood below my balcony. "What are you doing here?" I ask leaning down to see him properly. "Come open the door." I shake my head. "I'm not coming down there. What are you doing here?" He sighs and throws his head back slightly. "If you're not coming down I'm coming up." I smirk and nod, "yeah sure you will." I couldn't see him doing that.

I'm surprised that he actually follows through and climbs up. "You were saying?" He smirks once he climbs over the railing and faces me. "What do you want?" I ask rolling my eyes. "You." I can't help but laugh. "Go away Rafe." I say not sure why I even let him get this far. "Come on Nara, I know you want me too." I can't help but roll my eyes again and begin to retreat back towards my room. "Nara, I know you don't want me to leave, that little show you've been putting on with Enzo isn't funny anymore." I hesitate at the door. "Can you keep your voice down before you wake him." I smirk to myself once I see how his eyes narrow and how he pushes past me into my bedroom. "Very funny." He scoffs as I just stand and watch him for a second.

"Okay fun's over get out." I hum crossing my arms over my chest as he stares at me. "I'm speaking English aren't I? Out." I know I don't want to be alone right now but I shouldn't let him stay. I know that I shouldn't but why do I want to? "No, I know you don't want to be alone right now and I'm not gonna leave you." I still, how does he know that? "I think it's time we have it out Nara." I roll my eyes with a sigh. "Have what out? I don't like you!" He smirks as he looks over to my bedside table and sees his sorry note neatly perched upon it.

"That doesn't mean anything." I shrug about to go over and throw it away, he grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him. "I know how hard you keep trying to deny this but come on now Nara, I've waited long enough." He mumbles lowly as he slowly begins walking me back towards my bed. "Rafe-" I sigh in defeat, why is he so hypnotic? Am I just that weak? I don't understand why I'm so drawn to him. Why I'm so comforted and at ease around him knowing who he is and what he does.

"Just don't say anything." I instruct as I get back into my bed and let him climb in beside me. "Nar-"

"I said don't say anything." I interrupt before turning to him and resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arms around him. "And don't take anything this time." I mumble closing my eyes as he begins to play with my hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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