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Chapter 14 - Gene

The Image isn't mine I found it on Pinterest


It's a regular biology class just like any other. Except today EVERYONE is confused, but me and Zane. While the class has paused for everyone to try and grasp the new concept me and Zane chat.

"I still can't believe my mum was spying on you guys... Mums are weird." Zane blurts.

"It was a little... interesting but it was still fun!" I express. Travis walks over to the table.

"Uh, hey guys... um do you understand what we've been doing?" Travis inquires.

"Yep! We're biology experts" I chime.

"T-that's great... um could you help me and Gene please... Dante isn't here-" I cut him off.

"You want me to help Gene??? Did he put you up to this Travis?" I see through his plan. "Travis, I'll happily help you but if this is one of Genes dumb schemes to try and ask me to be a part of the shadow nights AGAIN, I am not going to help him."

"I-I can help Gene!" Zane suggests.

"Good plan! You help Gene while I help Travis" I decide. "Let's go!" I say. We all go over to the table at the front of the class to see Gene sitting in a 'cool guy' position all spread out across his chair. Travis sit's next to him.

"Hey, beautiful! Thanks for coming to help us out... this just makes no sense." He pouts.

"She's not talking to you. I'm the one helping you" Zane commands as he stands in front of him in an intimidating manner, which really doesn't work on Gene.

"WHAT?!?! I don't want your dumb emo friend to help me!" He complains. I just scoff.

"So, what do you need help with Travis?" I inquire. Travis tells me what's confusing him and help try to explain.

"Ohhh, that makes sense now, Thanks (Y/N)!!!" Travis praises.

"Ask whenever, I'm always happy to help!" I chime.

"But Not ME?!?!" Gene complains. I continue to ignore him.

"If you don't want my help Gene then you'll just have to sort it out yourself!" Zane argues.

"Well, you're the one who can't explain this to me! It makes no sense when you do it! I want her to! Please (Y/N), help a struggling guy out?" Gene probes. As he gives me the most desperate expression known to man. I feel a little bad, I'm causing him pain... why am I like this...? NO Ignore him, he just wants to force me into his gang!

"She's not talking to you dummy!" Zane insists.

"Urgh, FINE have it your way! You'll regret this!" Gene threats. Zane and I walk back to our seats.

"You good?" Zane asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I just need him to leave me alone. It's getting on my nerves." I grumble. Not wanting to admit that his stupid tactics might be working... I feel bad... but why? I don't like being so gullible to people's sadness... even if it's fake.

~~~Time Skip~~~

*Bring Bring* It's the end of biology. We pack up and leave.

"Hey, I've got to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you at the lunch spot" Zane says as he wanders off. I walk over to our table and sit down. Before I know it, I'm being tapped on the shoulder.

"Gosh that was quick Z-" I turn around and see it's not Zane... It's Gene.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could join you for a bit." Gene asks.

"No wh-" He cuts me off.

"Shhh, no need to fight (Y/N)." He sits down. I glare at him. "You sure are clueless. You probably have no clue why I won't leave you alone." He hypothesises.

"No of course not, I am no way fit for your dumb shadow nights!" I complain.

"That's not the reason (Y/N), I don't want you to join them. All I want is you, I want you to be mine, I want your affection." He admits. His expression changes to one of admiration. I lean back and cringe.

"EWWWW YOU'RE GROSS GENE!" I yell. But he just leans closer with this look on his face, his face constantly inching closer to mine. WHAT DO I DO!?! I just keep trying to move away. But he just gets closer and closer. I'm trapped. 

"STOP IT YOU ASS HOLE!" I hear a yell from the other side of the cafeteria. It was my squeaky bestie, my saviour, Zane. He has everyone's attention now. He runs over and pulls Gene off the bench.

"SHE'S TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES! SHE WANT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" Zane yells into his face with all his might. He is FURIOUS. I feel my eyes swell with tears. What's happening to me.

"FINE!" Gene yells. His eyes overflowing with a mix sadness and rage. "*Sniff* Fuck you (Y/N)!" He runs away crying. 

"(Y/N)?! You, ok?" Zane then rushes over and sits right in front of me. As a tear falls down my cheek. "H-hey, don't cry. I'll never let him do anything to you, ok?" Zane promises. I nod my head, more tears come pouring down, then I face plant into his shoulder. He pats me on the back. "You'll be ok, I'm here for you." He reassures me. It's calming, he's calming, he's a great friend. I move my head up to his ear.

"Thanks Zane" I whisper sob into his ear. I then hug him; he hugs right back.

"It's ok, it's what besties do after all." He whispers back. We sit there for a while, until all the tears subside.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 READS!!!!!!! I know this chapter isn't entirely fitting for a 100 reads celebration, so I'm sorry about that. But honestly thank you so much, writing this has brought me so much joy and to see so many of you reading this has just been swell! So, thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart.

- Roto L out

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